Home » Mid-Autumn Festival travel, camping + sea is very popular – China Daily

Mid-Autumn Festival travel, camping + sea is very popular – China Daily

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During the short holiday, many citizens gave up their travel to Tianjin and adjusted their plans in time

Mid-Autumn Festival travel, camping + going to sea is very popular

Our reporter Liu Yu

The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is coming soon. According to the current epidemic prevention requirements of “not leaving Tianjin unless it is necessary”, many citizens have adjusted their leisure and vacation plans in time. The cool weather has enriched the choice of outdoor activities for citizens, and various camping activities have become a popular item in this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival.

“Have you ever experienced camping at the seaside?” “Have you ever tried to spend a wonderful vacation at the seaside?” “Would you like to have a date with the moon at the seaside, and watch the sunrise and sunset exclusive to the seaside”… The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and online There has been an explosive growth in all kinds of groups for hiking, camping, and going to sea. Many citizens interviewed bluntly stated that in order to meet the requirements of epidemic prevention, they have given up their travel plans to Tianjin. However, young people who are not willing to spend their holidays in a dull way are also actively looking for ways to stay in Tianjin.

“We went to Jizhou to join a camping team this summer, but unfortunately the weather was hot and there were many mosquitoes. Now it’s cooler, it’s a good time for camping!” Xiaoxin, an outdoor enthusiast, told reporters that he has been paying attention to various online activities recently. Posts on group camping. Different from summer, seaside camping has become a new selling point during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and the combination of “camping + going to sea” has attracted many young tourists. The reporter noticed that most of the AA-based camping activities organized by some “ALICE pals” are self-driving trips for two days and one night, and there is no need to leave Tianjin. The team size is generally 10 to 30 people, or 10 groups of families as a unit. In terms of cost, it generally ranges from 200 yuan to 400 yuan per person, mainly covering self-service barbecue, beverages, hand-made coffee, homemade breakfast and other meals, camping-related equipment and game props such as Frisbee and board games. It is worth noting that the regular outdoor team also includes the cost of professional team leader and outdoor accident insurance. As for teams with plans to go to sea, most of the arrangements are for regular fishing trips near the campsite, and the expenses are also borne by themselves.

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“Camping is not like an ordinary sightseeing project. The main experience is the integration of people and nature, and the communication between people.” Xiaobai, who has been an outdoor team leader for many years, told reporters. He said that in the camping experience, the links like setting up tents and arranging the venue are all completed by the team members through independent communication. During this period, everyone can complete the social interaction from strangers to teammates and partners.

Nowadays, camping projects are becoming more and more abundant, far more than tenting and cooking in the previous impression. Judging from the current mainstream camping schedules, the ultimate Frisbee battle at night, walking on the beach, watching the moon and stars, etc., are all in line with the pursuit of “artistic conception” when traveling. After the self-service barbecue, many teams also arranged open-air karaoke parties, night chats around the fire, and open-air movie screenings. In the early morning of the second day, the sunrise by the sea has also become a project that young players are keen to check in. The concave shape and beautiful photos provide the players with the material to blow up the circle of friends. Combining with the regional characteristics of Tianjin scenic spots, many camping teams will recommend going to nearby Internet celebrity scenic spots such as Beitang Ancient Town, Mazu Cultural Park, and National Oceanographic Museum after their collective trip the next morning, so as to enrich the travel experience of participants.

[Editor in charge: Xu Ziming]

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