Home » Ivrea, all the news of the super Gathering from the Citadel to the philatelic cancellation

Ivrea, all the news of the super Gathering from the Citadel to the philatelic cancellation

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Ivrea, all the news of the super Gathering from the Citadel to the philatelic cancellation
The souvenir postcards

Also create series of vintage postcards to collect as a souvenir. Three fanfare in celebration on Saturday evening at the Alpine Night

IVREA.A fundamental help to the organization and to the president Giuseppe Franzoso was certainly that provided by Marco Barmasse, former sectional president and national vice president, who, during his mandate, had to deal with the previous meeting, in 2013, a task that he performed in an excellent way . “The organization of this 24th Gathering – explains Barmasse – had some more difficulties, not only because it was implemented after the pandemic and the problems it entailed and still entails, but also because the Gabrielli directive, after what happened in Turin, in Piazza San Carlo, in 2017, during the live broadcast of the Juventus-Real Champions League final on the big screen, he imposed the elaboration of complex safety plans regarding the operational strategies for safeguarding public safety and security during the events that made it heavier the organization of an event also from a financial point of view “.

Everything, however, as always happens when the Alpini move, has been completed in the best possible way and Ivrea will be able to welcome the Black Feathers of Piedmont, Liguria, Valle d’Aosta and France in all serenity, also reserving some interesting news. among which the Cittadella degli Alpini stands out, set up in Piazza Freguglia by the Alpine Taurinense Brigade, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Corps. «The Citadel – emphasizes Barmasse – is usually set up exclusively during national gatherings, but this year, in homage to the important anniversary of the Alpine troops, Ana has decided to build it in all the Meetings. The Citadel, which will be inaugurated on Friday 9, at 10, will consist of a tent in which a photographic story of the 150 years of the Alpine troops will be set up, with special installations, especially dedicated to children, such as the climbing wall, to try climbing. in complete safety, and a small cross-country track, in addition to the display of some vehicles. For all three days it will be constantly manned by the Taurinense Alpini ». «For those wishing to take home a souvenir of the 24th Meeting of the 1st Grouping – continues Barmasse – the Ivrea Section has prepared, in collaboration with the Italian Post Office, a special postmark. For this important alpine event, two series of five vintage postcards, traveling or commemorative, have been created, dedicated respectively to the City of the 4th Alpine Regiment and to the Canavese Alpine Departments. The first series, to remember the historical role of Ivrea, already a military city for centuries before the birth of the Alpini, but which, since 1872, has been able to grasp its spirit and express it thanks to the value of its children, to the point of being rewarded by history , with the appointment as headquarters of the Command of the Quarto Alpini; the series dedicated to the Departments tells, instead of our ancestors, our grandparents and our Alpine fathers, of all those young people who were welcomed there, coming from the recruitment area of ​​the 67th Military District. Following the graphic elaboration of the postcards was our partner Ciribòla, aka Serafino Anzola, already author of the two volumes Tucc un -Vicende and Men of the Ivrea Battalion through a century of Italian history, published by Bolognino, in 2013, who also dealt with the image shown on the commemorative medal made for the occasion and already available in our headquarters in via De Gasperi 1 ».

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New will also be the Alpine Night which will begin at 9.30 pm on Saturday 10th and will last until almost midnight. It will include the arrival in piazza Ottinetti of the torchlight procession of the Avis life and three fanfares in celebration in the historic center, which will conclude the evening by gathering in piazza Ottinetti and intoning the last song together. Among the initiatives implemented by the Alpine troops of the Ivrea Section, we should not forget the monographic issue of Lo scarpone canavesano, the sectional newspaper (also downloadable from the Section’s website) which, in addition to all the logistical and technical information of the Gathering, as well as the program of appointments, collects interesting reports on the three Gold Medals of the Ivrea Ana, on the Canavesani and the Great War-The four fallen Alpine battalion commanders, on Salvator Gotta and his Piccolo Alpino, on the illustrious Alpine Adriano Olivetti, on the monument of Belmonte alle Penne mozze Canavesane, on Canavese women and the Alpini, on the 100th anniversary of the Ivrea Section and on Alpini and Avisini, a perfect combination.

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