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TikTok Now, a new feature (and a new app) to try and chase BeReal

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TikTok Now, a new feature (and a new app) to try and chase BeReal

From chased to pursuer: the undisputed king of social networks for two years, copied by everyone but able to keep everyone more or less at a distance, now it is TikTok that tries to copy the idea of ā€‹ā€‹a competitor. It is not the first time (in March there was the case of the 10 minute long videos)but it is definitely the first time that this has happened with this commitment and with this concreteness.

In the coming weeks, both in Italy and in other countries of the world, both a new feature and a new app, called TikTok Now, which will allow subscribers to share photos and videos captured simultaneously with the front and rear cameras. As explained, it will work like this: ā€œEvery day users will receive a notification that will ask them to shoot a 10-second video, or take a photo, to be shared quickly and easily with the community “. Missed that opportunity, it will be necessary to wait until the next day.

Do you remember anything? There is little to get around it, because this is exactly the core of the experience of BeReal, that (as we have already written on Italian Tech several times) is the favorite app among young and very young people, especially in the 15-25 age group. Which is TikTok’s chosen audience, which therefore does well to try not to have it taken away.

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Why BeReal is successful and why TikTok chases

As the name says (which in Italian could be Be Sincero), BeReal invites you to be true and spontaneous, focusing on short, fast and made-to-the-moment contents, without excessive preparation: there are no filters, the time available is short, you can’t watch if you don’t share something to do watch, you can only do one post a day and in general the approach is friendly and witty. In short: it’s a bit everything that TikTok risks not being anymore, now that it has become so mainstream and so much used. It makes sense that the ByteDance social network tries to run for cover before it’s late.

From the company they explained that who will use TikTok Now will be able to decide who can see the contents and interact with them, you can possibly block other users and choose which comments to leave visible under the various contents.

Not only that: if a person with less than 16 years old create an account for the new TikTok Now app, the profile will be automatically private, exactly as it happens on TikTok; the children under 18 they will not be able to share their content on the Explore page; for 13-15 year old users the comment options will be limited to Friends Only, to protect them from unwanted interactions. Instead, i of age they will have additional sharing settings available and their contents can eventually be seen by the whole community.

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