Home » Daniela Poggi opens the doors of her shop: “Here the password is inclusion”

Daniela Poggi opens the doors of her shop: “Here the password is inclusion”

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Daniela Poggi opens the doors of her shop: “Here the password is inclusion”

A “Shop” in order not to waste one’s time and to discuss the troubles of a struggling company; a “Workshop” like those of Renaissance artists where ideas and genius grew and where masterpieces were created. This new attempt to create masterpieces of the mind is called Bottega Poggi and to start it was the actress from Savona with the help of Walter Sandri.

Actress Daniela Poggi

Daniela Poggi (67 years old) needs no introduction since she has been crossing the Italian artistic and cultural scene for decades and knows the reality of the facts – and how difficult it is to change it … – thanks to a digression in politics when she was councilor for Municipality of Fiumicino. The key word behind the creation of this “Shop” is very important and decisive for our times: inclusion. And the topics dealt with are many and all necessary for our awareness.

Daniela, let’s start from ecology and from a character who brought to the stage, an ecological Pinocchio: why?
“With the show ‘Once upon a time there was a piece of wood’, which premiered in Collodi, we celebrated the novel’s 140th anniversary on the one hand, but at the same time we projected the figure of the puppet into the world even more. surrounds, where nature and animals induce us to compare with them and respect each other “.

Daniela Poggi created the production house
Daniela Poggi gave life to the production house “Bottega Poggi” with the help of Walter Sandri

Just nature, ecology: how do we treat this matter?
“Man should put a hand on his conscience: it is already late but it may not be if we immediately begin to do something concrete with respect to our behaviors that have deteriorated in the last period. We really risk destroying this wonderful planet. I find it disgusting to bequeath it in these conditions. If every human being understood that we are making a disaster and that we have to change our behavior, we would still be able to show our respect for our children and our children’s children ”.

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What is the awareness driving it?
“I am not the owner of this planet, it is simply a house that is hosting me. I am in transit and as a guest I believe it is right to have regard, education, respect and share it with others. We are not absolute masters, man must understand that he will have an end and this can come at any moment “.

Any little advice?
“Don’t just think about money. And simply don’t throw papers and cigarettes out of the car window or collect dog droppings: do little things while leaving behind the evil that is individualism ”.

Therefore, simple values: who is to blame if we do not possess them?
“If you from the family have not received certain cultural stimuli and ideal sharing with people, your cells lead you to make a single journey. It is necessary to understand that I exist because you exist ”.

Can these principles be inculcated?
“Communication has enormous responsibilities, especially if you go on TV and allow yourself to say certain things without paying attention to words. We have fallen into triviality, into the vulgar abyss. Without thinking about the responsibilities we have towards each other ”.

The actress Daniela Poggi was councilor for the Municipality of Fiumicino from 2013 to 2016 (Instagram)
The actress Daniela Poggi was councilor for the Municipality of Fiumicino from 2013 to 2016 (Instagram)

Another issue on which inclusion seems far from coming is in the man-woman relationship: where are we?
“At a dead end, we can never be even. Complementary and indispensable to each other yes, but we remain two different realities. Of course in access to work, earnings and rights we must have the same opportunities, but at home the situation does not convince me very much: if changing diapers can sometimes be a way of sharing well, but we generally give to the woman and to man their roles otherwise a great confusion arises ”.

However, women have grown up in society …
“Of course, now you no longer cover your eyes, ears and mouth; it has reached its mental, physical, economic, professional independence and this is not good for the man. Traditionally he was the one who went hunting and brought food home. Now the woman is a value compared to when she was seen only as an object of desire that awaited the male at home. But I’m worried: not for our generation, but fifteen-year-old girls seem upset and without dreams and ideals ”.

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Have you ever had a problem with being a beautiful woman?
“I have never aligned myself, I have always given myself absolute value, I have punched and closed stories and no one has ever been able to buy me. If I wanted to go with a man I would go there, but if someone tells me come with me I will give you something I react: it has always taken little to live. Sometimes when the work was finished I found myself faced with physical requests and I sent the person to that country. Perhaps my personality has often put in awe. But a piece of advice: it is not good for those who express themselves explicitly and think that appearing is more than being ”.

Actress Daniela Poggi has been bringing social and current issues to the stage or to the screen for years (Instagram)
Actress Daniela Poggi has been bringing social and current issues to the stage or to the screen for years (Instagram)

A term that is in fashion is ageism: is there an age-related problem with us?
“The actor’s job is very special so when you are 20 there are a thousand roles; ours is a country where you don’t know how to write stories for those who are already of a certain age ”.

And in society?
“We are in bad shape: an elderly person who apparently is useless is considered, as Pope Francis says, a waste and is abandoned. There is racism about age and the baggage of knowledge and wisdom that these people have that can make the present better is not considered. Unfortunately, few are interested in the inner world and it is thought that it does not deserve to be experienced through a confrontation that could be positive for everyone “.

Among the roles you played, which was the most disruptive from a social point of view?
“Surely the one in the film ‘Exodus’ by Ciro Formisano was the most complicated, difficult, delicate, fragile, profound role. Giving life to a truth and clearing the problems related to the Fornero law was a truly important commitment. I consider it a great commitment of maturity in my artistic journey “.

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The disease: she wrote ‘Remember Me’, a good book in which she talks about life with her mother with Alzheimer’s. What did she give her?
“The possibility of reconciling myself with myself and with her, the belief that talking to her so much in a delicate moment may have finally made us known and has done us both good”.

Daniela Poggi is an Italian actress originally from Savona (Facebook)
Daniela Poggi is an Italian actress originally from Savona (Facebook)

What advice would you give to young people?
“Read a lot within yourself and understand what you really want from life, what are the objectives to be achieved and with what path. In every job you choose, the important thing is that you remain yourself “.

Daniela, what is inclusion in the end?
“Confrontation, acceptance, welcome, language, culture. Let yourself be amazed by not knowing and consequently learn something different for greater wealth. It is not for everyone because there are probably those who live closed in on themselves, but you have to look at the sky at 360 degrees while keeping your heart and ears always open. People may not realize it, but they still include: if you do it consciously it is an extraordinary enrichment ”.

What does Daniela Poggi think of the future?
“I always listen to the Gospel before falling asleep, the desire is to have adequate time to do everything, but I know that time is very short”.

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