Home » Why do some foods fart so much? Science drops the shot, but this doesn’t stink

Why do some foods fart so much? Science drops the shot, but this doesn’t stink

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Why do some foods fart so much?  Science drops the shot, but this doesn’t stink

Why do some foods make us fart so much? Science explains it to us very clearly and… not smelly.

The farts they can embarrass us, especially when they run away in the presence of other people. They depend on the food that we ingest and how we eat, so with a little attention we could avoid certain uncomfortable situations.


Do not worry, therefore, because paying attention to what let’s eat and how we ingest food, the farts that could suddenly escape (especially if we are in public) we will be able to avoid them. Let’s find out how!

The foods that fart the most

But what does the act of fart? Certainly from what we eat but also, and sometimes above all, from how we ingest it: the speed in which we eat, in fact, it counts!


Are the intestinal gas to cause the act of farting, often accompanied by abdominal and abdominal pains constipation. But what they are made of and, above all, why they cause the stink which usually characterizes them? They consist for 99% of:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Oxygen.
  • Carbon dioxide.
  • Hydrogen.
  • Methane.

The bad smell is given by the very small percentage of sulfur dioxidehydrogen sulfide, indole, volatile fatty acids and skatole. The average elimination of intestinal gas varies from 400 to 1600 ml per day. Although emit gas is normal for all people, the ways to reduce symptoms will give relief and avoid embarrassing situations.

The main cause of the elimination of gases is given from the air ingested when swallowing. In fact, the people most prone to the problem are those who eat and drink quickly and who talk during meals. The same thing can be said for the smokers and for those in the habit of to chew often chewing gum o tobacco.

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Symptoms caused by intestinal gas

I symptoms more common than the presence of gas I am:

  • Flatulence.
  • Abdominal swelling.
  • Ache abdominal.

The increased production of intestinal gas it is often caused by the ingestion of certain foods, especially those rich in carbohydrates, which however cannot be completely eliminated from the diet. These, in fact, perform an important function for the‘bodythat is to provide energy. Even the sugars they cause gas, more specifically raffinose, lactose, fructose and sorbitol. For this reason, all of them should be taken in minimal portions foods which contain several.

But then? What would the right foods to avoid or at least decrease the production of intestinal gas? Among the foods that stand out in this sense we propose:

  1. Il fennel: aimed at moderating intestinal fermentations and favoring the expulsion of gases.
  2. Il blueberry and the myrtle which have a notable anti-fermentative and anti-putrefactive action.
  3. The mela which is a fruit rich in fibre and intervenes in the regulation of intestinal fermentative reactions.
  4. The demand which facilitates the elimination of gases, decreasing fermentations and the meteorism.

Another very useful trick to try to eliminate this annoying abdominal disorder is to try to take lots of fruit and vegetables, rich in vitamins e you fibre. The latter, in fact, stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, relieving the unpleasant effects caused by flatulence. There fiber helps to reduce the residence time of gastric material and toxins in the intestine, favoring their elimination and decreasing (sometimes even lowering) the risk of meteorism.


It happens, however, that i intestinal gas are caused by food intolerance: in this case it is necessary to eliminate or exclude for a certain time foods. Obviously always under close control medical surveillance. Between natural methods the use of carbone active it is one of those recommended because of its exceptional absorbent properties and, in part, also disinfectants of the intestinal tract. One of the things that, however, is always good to do is to take on a lot water which goes to lessen the feeling of swelling when there are too many gas in the intestines. Seeing is believing!

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