Home » Weather forecast: an Atlantic disturbance is coming, with rain and wind

Weather forecast: an Atlantic disturbance is coming, with rain and wind

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Weather forecast: an Atlantic disturbance is coming, with rain and wind


Iceland cyclone very active in the next few days: within a week the North Atlantic will churn out at least 4 very deep cyclones with bad weather between Greenland and the British Isles, in particular a lot of rain but also violent wind storms. From these areas some cyclones, some low pressure tops, will flee east and south: the first descent is expected on Sunday on Northern Italy with some rain, more
intense on Emilia, Lombardy and Piedmont. A second cyclone will sink southwards, up to Morocco from Tuesday, two other low pressure zones will bring bad weather to the North Atlantic areas before descending towards the Mediterranean by mid-month. A synoptic picture therefore very lively as is normal both in autumn.

Many incoming disturbances

The presence in the Balearic Islands of another low pressure area which led to floods in Spain and which could lead to bad weather towards Southern Italy from Monday. It looks like a war bulletin with many perturbations, but it is only the European picture with the most important and widespread rains expected in the coming days on Iceland, the British Isles and Scandinavia. In Italy, after a long phase of sunny and warm weather during the day, called Ottobrata, we will pass to a period of perturbed variability: we will live the last hours with the almost summer sun while from tomorrow scattered clouds and some downpours will affect all of Italy. , starting from the North and then moving towards the Center-South.

But in some areas the Ottobrata continues

In detail, the sun and temperatures will still be summer-like over the next few hours, tomorrow we will have locally moderate rains in the North-West, with an increase in clouds also on the rest of the peninsula; some rain not excluded also on Sardinia and West Sicily. On Monday and Tuesday, the bad weather will lead to intense phenomena at times towards the south and locally still in the central regions.
Is the Ottobrata over then? Not entirely, the temperatures will remain on warm values ​​for the period at least until Wednesday 12 October: in 1492 on 12 October Columbus discovered America, at that time in Italy we were experiencing the Little Ice Age, a cold phase with the maximum extension of the glaciers, with winters during which, for example, the Panaro river also froze and more than 1 meter of snow fell in Venice: on 12 October 530 years later we are experiencing a phase of Global Warming and 30 ° C will still be possible in Sicily!

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Saturday 8. In the north: by evening rains on the Alps and Piedmont. Center: veiled except for rising clouds with some showers in Sardinia. In the South: cloudy between the lower Adriatic and Calabria, sunny elsewhere.

Sunday 9. In the north: rains, especially in the Northwest. In the center: some rain in Sardinia moving towards the Tyrrhenian sector, variable elsewhere. In the south: stable weather, but it will get worse in Sicily in the late evening.

Monday 10. In the north: good weather. In the center: rains, especially in Lazio, Abruzzo and Molise. In the south: bad weather.


residual bad weather in the South and on part of the Center until Tuesday, then a respite
waiting for a new possible perturbation around the middle of the month.


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