Home » Lose weight while sitting and in 10 minutes? It is doable thanks to this quick and easy exercise

Lose weight while sitting and in 10 minutes? It is doable thanks to this quick and easy exercise

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Lose weight while sitting and in 10 minutes?  It is doable thanks to this quick and easy exercise

Weight loss tips usually involve exercise and a healthy diet, but what if you could lose weight while sitting down? With this exercise it is possible.

Seated Woman (Adobe Stock)


Sitting too long is a risk factor for our health, because it can lead to the onset of certain diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.

This is why it is important to exercise as much as possible. But in conditions of impossibility to get up, how to minimize the risks of a sedentary lifestyle? A study has shown that there is an exercise that allows us to lose weight while sitting. Let’s see together what it is.

Do you consider yourself a sedentary person? Do not worry, because it is possible to lose weight even while sitting

Soleus muscle (Adobe Stock)

Who is it that doesn’t dream of losing weight while sitting? I bet that especially the lazy ones would like this wish to come true. Well, to be honest it’s not entirely impossible. A recent study has in fact highlighted how it is possible to limit the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle thanks to a small movement of the calf. Specifically, scientists from the University of Houston and Texas discovered it, who studied the muscle of usuallypresent in the calf area and apparently capable of doing a small miracle.

This muscle, despite accounting for only 1% of body weight, according to scientists is able to sustain a high local oxidative metabolism for hours, in addition to regulating blood sugar effectively. This was stated by Marc Hamilton, professor of Health and Human Performance who led the study that paved the way towards the possibility of reducing the damage caused by a sedentary lifestyle. But how is this possible?

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Thanks to the fact that the soleus, once activated, is able to burn carbohydrates and fats. And to stimulate it it is necessary to carry out a certain exercise. You have to sit with your feet on the ground and keeping your muscles relaxed. Then raise your heels to the maximum, being careful to keep your toes on the ground, and then return to the starting position. A movement that according to the researchers would be the exact opposite of that of walking, which would use even less energy.

A was therefore made test to prove the results and it was seen that this exercise actually led to a 60% less need for insulin in the 3 hours following the ingestion of a glucose-based drink and a 52% improvement in blood glucose fluctuation. A really useful discovery for those who, due to work or more serious problems, are forced to remain seated for many hours during the day. The researchers, however, specified that this exercise should not replace physical activity: it is only a useful advice to exploit the characteristics of this little-known muscle.

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