Home » Why sleeping early could save you from a heart attack, the shocking answer from experts

Why sleeping early could save you from a heart attack, the shocking answer from experts

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Why sleeping early could save you from a heart attack, the shocking answer from experts

Sleeping well is essential for many aspects of our life: not only for the day’s performance, but also and above all for health.

However, we must admit that sleeping well is no longer a security we have. In fact, worries, nutrition and bad habits undermine our night’s rest.

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In fact, we can confirm that, without a shadow of a doubt, sometimes we go to bed convinced that we are catapulting into a deep sleep, but in reality this is not the case. We spend all hours of the night looking for a way to sleep, trying to tire ourselves out even more and, above all, understanding what such a situation entailed. The ending is the less happy one: we slept very little, we are less productive, more irascible and we live, for the rest of the day, in a bubble.

In short, everyone does what they can to avoid such a situation, but certainly a habit that could help us is going to sleep early. To tell us they are gods New Jersey experts who have found that going to bed early can even prevent unpleasant situations. One above all, heart attack. All this has been documented through a study done with a certain criterion that we will report in our article.

In the meantime, let’s always take care of our health, but in a different way. For example, contact with salmonella can be prevented by paying more attention to eggs. Or, we can also prevent heat from escaping around the house thanks to two grandma’s tricks. Having said that, let’s take a closer look at this very important activity of sleeping.

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There’s a correlation between bedtime and heart attack risk, the study

The research in question, carried out by the New Jersey scholars, was published by Rutgers University. In practice, scientists have been interested in two categories of people, that is, on one side there were early risers and on the other, night owls. These were compared with each other to understand which of the two was most at risk of heart attack.

The study found that the latter were more likely to get heart disease. To understand it well, this happens because if you go to bed after midnight the fats of our body are not burned in the correct way.

In fact, as we know, the metabolism also works during the night, while remaining nailed to bed to sleep. Instead, those who decide to go to bed earlier allow their metabolism to burn more fat than in the morning. In this way, health, in general, benefits and, above all, the possibility of running into a heart attack is increasingly removed.

Some tips for a good quality rest

We all know that the activity of sleeping well is necessary for one’s psycho-physical health, however, unfortunately, there are those who cannot, despite trying. Basically, we can say that it is very important listen to your body. So, for example, if after eating we need to lie down for a while, we absolutely must. If at 23:00 in the evening we feel a certain tiredness, it is useless to force ourselves to go out or to see a movie: we unplug everything and sleep.

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This discourse is connected to the concept of habit: even rest has its own routine that must be respected and made stable. Consequently, we need some sort of regularity in our life that punctuates our days and activities. Following this sort of natural pattern, even the activities to be done will be carried out in the best way.

Now let’s move on to some more targeted tips. To sleep well, it is important not to eat just before bedtime. This, in fact, will allow digestion to activate the metabolism too quickly. Smoking just before bed isn’t good either, as nicotine is a stimulant for the brain. Never play sports just before resting, but only during the day, and don’t use cell phones until an hour or two before going to bed.

Also, the bed should only be used for rest and not for studying or working. The reason is obvious: by doing this, it is as if we tend to accustom our body to the bed. Then, when we go there to sleep, its relaxing effect will have vanished completely.

Proper nutrition and natural supplements can also be of great help, although these do not always work on their own. Never ever sleep with the TV on: one of the most negative habits, but still widespread, especially among us Italians. In fact, it is important to accustom our brain to silence by avoiding noises so as to reassure a quality rest.

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The benefits of a good night’s sleep

We all know the first benefit: those who sleep better and for many hours perform better in every activity they carry out. It also improves creativity, memory activity and, as mentioned before, it helps our health in many aspects. Immune defenses are increased and blood pressure is controlled. Finally, sleeping a lot, but not too much, also helps us with hormonal problems and, above all, avoids road accidents.

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