Home » Falls from the climbing wall in the gym: 6-meter flight, severe 44 years old

Falls from the climbing wall in the gym: 6-meter flight, severe 44 years old

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Falls from the climbing wall in the gym: 6-meter flight, severe 44 years old

Curno. The 44-year-old who on Thursday evening (13 October) fell from a height of about 6 meters while practicing sport climbing was transported in red code to the Papa Giovanni hospital in Bergamo.

The alarm went off shortly before 8pm in the halls of the ‘Orobia Climbing’ gym, in via Trento in Curno: a structure very popular with fans of this adrenaline-pumping discipline.

The auto-medical and ambulance intervened on the spot, in addition to the carabinieri of the Bergamo command to try to establish the exact causes of the accident, according to the very first information due to a human error of a technical nature (we are talking about a badly made knot or in any case incomplete, but all the necessary investigations will be needed).

In order, the 44-year-old allegedly hit the ground first on the wrist, then on the hip and finally on the head. When he was rescued by the doctors he was conscious, assure witnesses, but his condition would still be considered serious.

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