Home » Chivasso, killed with 3 gunshots: investigating the legacy trail

Chivasso, killed with 3 gunshots: investigating the legacy trail

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Chivasso, killed with 3 gunshots: investigating the legacy trail

The victim was called Giuseppina Arena and was killed on her birthday. The woman arrived at the crime scene with her bicycle

CHIVASSO. A crime story about the death of a 52-year-old woman from Chivasso, found lifeless late on Wednesday evening. Listened to Arena’s brother in the prosecutor’s office, the police are investigating the legacy trail. The woman was found under the bridge of the Turin-Milan high-speed railway, in the hamlet of Pratoregio di Chivasso, in a countryside area that is not very busy. To kill Giuseppina Arena, on her birthday, were three shots from a gun, a bullet would have reached her right cheekbone. In that place, where no one ever passes, the woman arrived on her white bicycle with the basket, in all likelihood to meet someone. That could be the killer. It is difficult at the moment to frame the context and understand the motive: women, without a job, for several years, are followed by social services. She on Wednesday she would not have eaten the lunch that is brought home. Throughout the night the carabinieri of the Chivasso operative nucleus, after an initial examination by the coroner and the findings of the scientific section of Turin, carried out a series of searches in her apartment in via Togliatti, where she lived alone, and interrogated some acquaintances of the woman.

The neighbors say they are shocked by the incident: “Giuseppina was a cheerful woman, who did no harm to anyone, fond of her dog and her cats”. The lifeless body was spotted by a farmer who immediately raised the alarm. Next to the body, lying in a meadow, the shells of three bullets were found. Not far away was the bicycle, which was seized, while the body was taken to the mortuary of the Chivasso hospital for the autopsy examination.

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