Home » The Ladispolana Francesca Petrella, a life for body building

The Ladispolana Francesca Petrella, a life for body building

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The Ladispolana Francesca Petrella, a life for body building

from Giovanni Zucconi

The palmares of our territory has been enriched with a new prestigious title. A few days ago, Francesca Petrella from Ladispoli won the silver medal at the IFBB Pro Elite World Championships in Prague, in the Bikini Master category. I guess some of you don’t really have clear ideas about this discipline. No fear. We had it explained well by the new vice world champion, who kindly accepted an interview from us. Meanwhile, take a look at the photo, and you will get a first idea.

First of all, congratulations on your second place. Becoming a vice world champion in a professional discipline is not an everyday thing. She could
explain to our readers what this competition is about? I have the impression that it is not really body building

The ladispolana Francesca Petrella, a life for body building, is the new vice world champion

No, in fact. It is a category of body building which, as is well known, is a discipline where the muscles above all emerge and are highlighted. In both women and men. The one in which I participate is instead a more “soft” category. Which can be approached, for example, by all newbies, men or women, who want to undertake the
body building discipline. Let’s say that it is a category that, while providing a certain muscle definition, focuses more on aesthetics. The focus is more on elegance and harmony,
than to the mighty musculature.

This is not the first title to win, is it?

No. Last year I won the Barcelona Absolutes, and so I entered the professional circuit. Also in Barcelona, ​​again last year, I also won silver at the European Championships. So I’m also European vice champion of this discipline. But that is not all. In 2019 I also became the Italian champion.

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While it is clear to me what it means to be a pro in sports like football or cycling, what does it mean to be a pro in your discipline?

Unfortunately in Italy it is not like in other countries of the world. Only football goes to us. In America, body building is often regarded as soccer by us. It is much more viewed and more followed. First of all, the prize pools in the events are much higher. There is more money up for grabs. This especially in the United States. In Europe a little less, but certainly
more than in Italy.

So she is forced to do more to live

I am a personal trainer, and I give fitness classes. Both in Ladispoli and in Valcanneto.

Among the boys and girls he follows, is there anyone promising who could take his baton?

My discipline is very tough. It’s not enough just to train. Be aware that body building is very demanding. Both in terms of food and the time you have to dedicate to training. It takes a lot of time out of your life. You really have to lead a life as an athlete if you want to reach certain levels.

Can you give us an idea of ​​what you are doing to prepare for a world championship?

The ladispolana Francesca Petrella, a life for body building, is the new vice world champion

I do five or six workouts a week. These can last anywhere from an hour, up to two and a half hours. The heavy part is also the one that concerns the feeding. Because to get to such a toned and defined physique, even if it is a “soft” category, you still have to maintain a certain type of diet. You have to eat well, and you have to
eat clean. You have to make breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner a certain way. This involves some organization. If you have to go outside, for example for a
weekend, you have to bring the meals already prepared with you. Because either you go to a place where you know they have everything as you have to eat, or you have to carry everything with you. So, in addition to training, there is also this work to keep up with proper nutrition. It really is a way of life. It’s not just training.

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So let’s say that you don’t become vice world champion by chance

Certainly not. There is a lot of work behind it. There are no Saturdays. There are no Sundays. There is no weekend or dinner out. When you start the path to prepare for a competition, you close yourself in a bubble. This for three, four or even five months. There is little social life in those months of preparation.

I would like to close with a slightly more private question. Even taking a cue from what you just said. Earlier you talked about social relationships. It is something that always comes to mind when I look at women who follow her discipline. Beautiful women with an important physique. I wonder: are men not afraid to approach, and to start a relationship?

The ladispolana Francesca Petrella, a life for body building, is the new vice world champion

This is a sore point. Let’s say that our body, among people we say “normal”, does not like it very much. Many men think we have too much muscle. While ai
men in our industry, our bodies like it. The same goes for women who judge us. I follow many girls who tell me: “,,, then it is not that I have too many muscles?”. Then go and explain that this physicist comes with everything I’ve told her before. That said, it is true, there are problems in establishing relationships. In
particularly women who compete in categories a little less “soft” than mine, go out and get engaged above all with people in the sector. Also because the life of an athlete is not for
everyone, and it’s hard to keep up with them.

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What can you advise girls who would like to pursue your discipline?

I always tell my girls: if you want something, go get it. Even if you have to go over the mountains, if you like it, if it’s your dream,
go get it. All time. Because life is one and must be lived to the full. Anything that can bring you satisfaction, always respecting other people, must be done. Even so she becomes vice world champion.

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