Home » Truce between Berlusconi and Meloni: «Together with the Quirinale». A Fi 5 ministries but Fdi keeps the point for Nordio alla Giustizia

Truce between Berlusconi and Meloni: «Together with the Quirinale». A Fi 5 ministries but Fdi keeps the point for Nordio alla Giustizia

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Truce between Berlusconi and Meloni: «Together with the Quirinale».  A Fi 5 ministries but Fdi keeps the point for Nordio alla Giustizia

Silvio Berlusconi gives in, goes to Giorgia Meloni’s “home”, in via della Scrofa, and almost suffers a truce with the leader of the Brothers of Italy. An hour and a half later, together they announce that the center-right will join the consultations at the Quirinale for the formation of the new government. This is the news that marks – at least officially – the overcoming of the misunderstandings between the two leaders, which exploded on the day of the non-vote of Forza Italia to the President of the Senate, sharpened by the arm wrestling of the Knight to “save” his faithful Licia Ronzulli (battle lost) and resulted in ferocious notes on his former minister.

Melons: now let’s look ahead

The seal comes with the joint note of the two parties: “The meeting took place in an atmosphere of unity of purpose and maximum cordiality and collaboration.” Statements aside, the mood has changed and it is Meloni who translates it into words: “Now let’s look ahead and think about giving a government to the country,” he would have told him to go further. But Berlusconi is not convinced. In face to face, he insists for a long time that Elisabetta Casellati is in the government team – and it seems to have won it for her, with the Ministry of Reforms – the president of the Red Cross, Francesco Rocca, expressly asked the Ministry of Health and the role of vice premier for Antonio Tajani. When he comes out he is not satisfied, but he can only accept. In short, the remedial meeting ends with a forced truce, but necessary to get the center-right government off the ground.

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The “political trip” of the Knight

“The two leaders are working to give Italy a strong, cohesive and high-profile government as soon as possible – reads the note – which immediately gets to work to deal with emergencies” citing the commitment to the most important economic dossiers. urgent, starting with expensive energy. A result that Berlusconi arrives at “reluctantly”. The blue patriarch does not hide his disappointment at having gone to Canossa, to the premier in pectore he meets at the headquarters of the Brothers of Italy. In via della Scrofa, in memory of the reporters, he never entered. Ignazio La Russa remembers it instead, recalling a visit by the Knight when the Social Movement was there. It is the second time of a political trip – the first was at the Nazareno by Matteo Renzi, on January 18, 2014 – and the change of location, compared to Arcore or Villa Grande, weighs heavily. Emblematic, in this sense, are the faces of the leaders, who speak and say other than the common note. At the exit, Berlusconi passes through the courtyard and gets into the car. Fixed gaze and straight face, the expression is more than perplexed. The hostess also seems a little pulled: when the former premier arrives, she welcomes him into the courtyard and hints at a smile.

One-on-one interview

Berlusconi arrives from FdI alone, none of his historical advisors supports him and the interview is face to face. Strictly alone. With the summit underway, La Russa spreads confidence (“It will certainly go well, I hope so and I am convinced”, he tells reporters, perhaps confirming the role of mediator attempted in recent days), as well as Matteo Salvini (“Denials the owls and the left, the center-right is determined to participate in consultations with a unitary delegation and then offer as soon as possible a government that meets the expectations of the Italians “). Even more satisfied Francesco Lollobrigida, Melonian right arm: «This time too the vultures will remain without food». It is he who also puts forward the hope that the new government “can take the oath next week and present itself to the Chambers for the trust.”

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Towards the new government

An auspice dictated by the possible timing for the new government: once the office is given, the consultations could begin between Thursday or Friday (in the latter case, President Sergio Mattarella would wait for the end of the European Council which would close on Friday afternoon) to arrive to take the oath on Sunday or Monday.

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