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The third group interview of the news center of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China – Xinhua English.news.cn

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The third group interview of the news center of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China – Xinhua English.news.cn

  【Participate in the grand event】

  Guangming Daily reporterChen Peng, Zhang Jinjin, Yang Xuedan, Jin Haotian

  On the afternoon of October 19, the third group interview was held at the news center of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Bai Yugang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, Zhou Ji, Deputy Secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Xu Zhengzhong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, Yang Haodong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, Member of the Standing Committee and Executive Director of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Vice Governor Zhang Hu, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Party Committee Standing Committee Member and Propaganda Department Minister Sun Daguang, Hainan Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee Member and Executive Vice Governor Shen Danyang participated in this collective interview, introducing their respective delegations to study and discuss the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Respond to public concerns.

  On October 19, the third group interview was held at the Press Center of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The picture shows the scene of the branch venue.Photo by Yan Huifang, reporter of Guangming Daily/Guangming Pictures

The third group interview of the news center of the Party's 20th National Congress

Guangming Daily reporter Chen Peng asked questions in the third group interview of the news center of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Photo by Yan Huifang, reporter of Guangming Daily/Guangming Pictures

  Keywords: Hainan Free Trade Port

Focus on trade and investment liberalization and facilitation

Reporter: Since the establishment of the Hainan Free Trade Port, a series of leading projects in business environment reform have been launched. Can you tell us what specific measures are being taken? In addition, what is the current progress of the construction of the free trade port?

Shen Danyang:At present, the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port has achieved remarkable results: first, the policy system of the free trade port has been initially established; second, the export-oriented economy has developed rapidly, and many indicators are at the forefront of the country; third, the vitality of market entities has been significantly enhanced; Fourth, the formation of a modern industrial system in free trade ports is accelerating. Hainan’s economic growth and free trade port have undergone such changes and development. An important reason is the change in the business environment: the government’s efficiency has been significantly improved, the supply of factors has been significantly accelerated, and the ability to guarantee the rule of law is stronger.

At present, we are speeding up the study of policies and measures on how to speed up the construction of the free trade port. On the one hand, we will strive to launch the Hainan Island-wide customs closure operation in a timely manner before the end of 2025; on the other hand, we will continue to focus on trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and promote comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up to make new progress and achieve new results.

  Keywords: technology self-reliance and self-improvement

Adhere to the core position of innovation

Reporter: Excuse me, what have Henan and Guangdong done in promoting high-level scientific and technological self-reliance? What’s the next step?

Zhou Ji:Since last year, Henan has taken “innovation-driven, science and education invigorating the province, and talent-strengthening province” as its “first strategy”, and innovation and development has become the strongest voice and main theme of Henan’s modernization drive. Let me describe our work and the results achieved. The first is to rebuild and revitalize the Provincial Academy of Sciences, focus on the positioning of new R&D institutions, and set up the Department of Basic Studies, the Department of Industry, and the Department of Futures. The second is to implement comprehensive supporting reforms for innovation and development, and play a “combination punch” of scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation. The third is to introduce and educate simultaneously, gather first-class innovative talents, increase efforts to build talent apartments, and provide first-class working and living environment for all kinds of talents. Today’s Henan is more eager for talents than ever before. We will speed up the construction of a national innovation highland and an important talent center, and contribute Henan’s strength to the country’s scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

Zhang Hu:Guangdong has always adhered to the core position of innovation in the overall situation of modernization, and made every effort to promote innovation, mainly in four aspects. The first is to accelerate the construction of a whole-process innovation ecological chain. The second is to focus on the layout and construction of strategic scientific and technological forces. The third is to focus on strengthening the main position of enterprises in innovation. Fourth, focus on integrating into the global innovation network. In the next step, we will adhere to high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and accelerate the creation of a technological and industrial innovation highland with global influence.

  Keywords: innovation and development

Strive to “walk ahead and start a new game”

Reporter: How did Shandong implement the spirit of the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Shandong last year?

Bai Yugang:Shandong is bordered by Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei in the north, the Yangtze River Delta in the south, connected with 9 provinces and regions in the Yellow River Basin, closely connected with the Greater Bay Area, and serves all parts of the country. It has an important location and a major mission. Shandong will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, bear in mind the general secretary’s entrustment, and strive to “go ahead and start a new situation”.

First, take the lead in serving and integrating into the new development pattern. “Promote advantages”, focus on giving full play to its own comparative advantages in nine aspects, and serve and integrate through hard training of internal skills and strengthening of advantages. “Strong integration” means greater integration into national strategies such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, the Greater Bay Area, the Yellow River Basin, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and Northeast Revitalization. “Double power”, through the same direction of supply and demand, pull and link the national industrial chain to serve and integrate.

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Second, take the lead in enhancing innovation in economic and social development. Deeply implement the “Ten Innovations” plan, drive all-round innovation through specific innovations in ten aspects, and form integrated innovation advantages; use institutional and mechanism innovation to create a first-class business environment and form innovation highlands; comprehensively transform policy advantages into innovative development advantages; agglomeration All aspects of scientific research strength, focus on independent innovation.

Third, take the lead in promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. Formulate high-quality development plans for ecological protection in the Yellow River Basin; strengthen system governance, and put water conservation in the first place; promote high-quality development in areas along the Yellow River; reflect the results of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin in the benefits of the people.

  Keywords: industrial development

Strengthen the development potential of advantageous industries

Reporter: Industry is the foundation of development. In order to build Hubei into an important strategic fulcrum for the rise of the central region, it must be supported by industries. What are the advantageous industries in Hubei and how will it be further developed?

Xu Zhengzhong:Hubei has five advantageous industries. One is the optoelectronic information industry. We have become the world‘s largest fiber optic cable production base, the largest domestic optical device production base and an optical communication technology research and development base. The second is the new energy and intelligent networked automobile industry. Hubei has a very strong automobile industry foundation. The third is the life and health industry. Hubei has significant advantages in medical resources, medical facilities, and medical technology. Fourth, high-end equipment manufacturing industry, CNC equipment, heavy machine tools, laser processing equipment all have comparative advantages in China. The fifth is the Beidou industry. Many Beidou core industries and related industries are located in Hubei.

We will continue to make efforts in the following areas: promote the coordination of government, industry, academia and research, set up an expert advisory committee, and give full play to the advantages of Hubei’s scientific and educational talents; build an enterprise service platform, create a good business environment, and cultivate more market players; establish enterprise collaboration The alliance promotes complementary advantages of enterprises, cooperation between upstream and downstream, and supporting large and medium-sized enterprises; do a good job in project traction, introduce some leading enterprises, reserve some individual champion enterprises, and enhance the development potential of advantageous industries.

  Keywords: targeted poverty alleviation

Rural revitalization at the forefront

Reporter: As the first place for “targeted poverty alleviation”, Hunan is one of the main battlefields for poverty alleviation. In the process of winning the battle against poverty, what experience did Hunan have? What considerations are there in consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization?

Yang Haodong:Hunan shoulders the political responsibility of the first place, and resolutely wins the battle against poverty. Shibadong Village has become a model for targeted poverty alleviation in China. From this, we have explored some replicable and scalable experiences: the industrial poverty alleviation model of “Four Follows and Four Walks”, that is, funds follow the poor, the poor follow the capable, the capable follow the project, and the project follows the market;”1143 “Employment poverty alleviation model, that is to build an organizational leadership promotion mechanism, build an information platform, focus on the four links of accurate identification, docking, job stabilization, and service, and compact the three links of tasks, responsibilities, and services; “Two exemptions and one foundation” “The new way of small-amount poverty alleviation loans is to create “mortgage-free, guarantee-free, benchmark interest rate” small-amount poverty alleviation loans for farmers; the consumption poverty alleviation method of “five constructions and five sales” is to establish a public service platform for online sales, Establish a consumer poverty alleviation alliance to drive sales, establish a demonstration center for centralized sales, establish a professional carrier platform for sales, and establish a media matrix to guide sales. We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, continue to shoulder the political responsibility of the “first place” for targeted poverty alleviation, and strive to be at the forefront of rural revitalization.

  Keywords: open to the outside world

Turn location advantage into development advantage

Reporter: How does Guangxi take advantage of its unique cooperation with ASEAN to find a new development path?

Sun Daguang:Guangxi has unique advantages in opening up, and shoulders an important historical mission in building a new development pattern. Over the past ten years, Guangxi has continued to promote China-ASEAN openness and cooperation to deepen and solidify. At present, China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit have been successfully held for 19 sessions. We will fully connect with the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and jointly build a new land-sea passage in the west at a high level, which will open up the second sea passage of the Pearl River-Xijiang River, which is of great strategic significance for promoting the development of Guangxi and Southwest China.

We will take the high-level joint construction of the new western land-sea corridor as a strategic traction project, and actively promote the in-depth integration and synergy of transportation, commerce, logistics, and industries along the new corridor, and speed up the opening up of the “Ren and Du two veins” of open development. Turn location advantages into development advantages, and promote high-quality development through high-level opening up.

  Keywords: ecological civilization

Exploring the path of green and low-carbon development

Reporter: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin, the joint protection of the Yangtze River, and the construction of marine ecological civilization have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and have achieved remarkable results. Shandong Province, which is the mouth of the Yellow River, Hubei Province, which has the longest runoff mileage in the Yangtze River, and Hainan Province, which is an “ecological province”, have achieved innovative development in the construction of path-finding ecological civilization?

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Bai Yugang:Shandong’s mission and responsibilities in the Yellow River Basin are: first, to ensure the safety of the Yellow River; second, to protect the water volume of the Yellow River; third, to keep the water in the Yellow River clean; fourth, to ensure a good life for the people and local development along the Yellow River; We use a systematic concept to manage the river basin systematically. Over the past three years, the province has invested more than 130 billion yuan in dam construction, river management, flood control and disaster reduction, to ensure the safety and security of the Yellow River. Promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development with new development concepts. In recent years, Shandong has vigorously promoted the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, shut down “scattered and polluted” enterprises, and the rapid development of wind power and solar energy, supplemented by biomass energy and hydropower, and the energy structure is undergoing a fundamental change. Focusing on enabling ordinary people to live a good life, the relocation of 600,000 residents of the Yellow River floodplain has realized the “dream of living in peace”, and the per capita disposable income of farmers along the Yellow River has increased higher than the whole province. Promote cultural “two creations” and tell the story of the Yellow River well. Vigorously promote cooperation with the provinces and regions along the Yellow River, and form a good cooperation situation in the fields of industry, innovation, science and technology, ports, and culture.

Xu Zhengzhong:Hubei has mainly done several aspects of work: First, to strengthen the governance at the source. We have renovated more than 12,000 sewage outfalls along the Yangtze River and are continuously tracking them. At present, the water quality of the Hubei section of the main stream of the Yangtze River is maintained at Class II, and the water quality of the Danjiangkou Reservoir has always been maintained at or above Class II. The second is the compaction of work responsibilities. Hubei took the lead in implementing the five-level river and lake chief system and forest chief system, patrolling the lake regularly, and using drone monitoring and infrared remote sensing. We promoted shoreline improvement, restored mountains, forests and wetlands, renovated and restored abandoned mines, and built 66 national wetland parks. The third is to coordinate the promotion of ecological environment governance, promote the transformation of the whole society’s production and lifestyle, and enhance the awareness of green environmental protection. Now, the national carbon emission rights registration and settlement system has settled in Wuhan and has been put into operation.

Shen Danyang:Hainan has done a lot of work in the innovation and development of ecological civilization, and has continuously rolled out six landmark projects. The first is to build a national park. The Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park was officially listed last year and is one of the first five national parks in the country. The second is to build a clean energy island. Now, our clean energy installed capacity accounts for more than 70%, and the number of clean energy vehicles ranks first in the country. The third is to build a zero-carbon demonstration zone. The construction of the zero-carbon demonstration zone on Dongyu Island in Boao, Hainan is progressing smoothly. Fourth, the province bans plastics. Fifth, the province promotes prefabricated buildings, and the construction area has doubled for four consecutive years. The sixth is to implement the “six water co-governance” project, which is progressing smoothly and has promising prospects.

  Keywords: Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Global participation in the construction of a world-class bay area

Reporter: How does Guangdong cooperate with Hong Kong and Macao to build a world-class bay area and a world-class city cluster at a high level?

Zhang Hu:Guangdong adheres to the requirements of the central government, what the Bay Area wants, what Hong Kong and Macao need, and what Guangdong can do. The first is to promote the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the strength of the whole province, and form a work pattern in which the Pearl River Delta is the main position and the whole province participates in the construction of the Greater Bay Area. The second is to adhere to the foundation of “one country”, make good use of the benefits of “two systems”, unswervingly implement the “one country, two systems” policy, and discuss with Hong Kong and Macau as much as possible, and actively explore “one matter, three places, one policy, three places, and one policy.” One rule and three places”.

The construction of the Greater Bay Area has achieved remarkable results: economic strength has reached a new level, technological innovation has taken new steps, soft and hard connectivity has achieved new progress, and major cooperation platforms have achieved new results. Next, we will join hands with Hong Kong and Macao to actively promote the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and strive to build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into a world-class bay area and the best-developed bay area.

  Key words: striving to open up a new situation

Promoting high-quality development in frontier ethnic areas

Reporter: General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed when participating in the discussion of the Guangxi delegation that we should strive to open up a new situation in the construction of a magnificent Guangxi in a new era. How will Guangxi implement the important instructions of the general secretary?

Sun Daguang:In the past ten years, the most distinctive theme of Guangxi’s various undertakings is to transform the concern and incentives of the Party Central Committee and the General Secretary into practical actions for the officers to start their own businesses. We made a decisive battle against poverty with the strength of the whole region, solved the problem of absolute poverty historically, and built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way at the same time as the whole country. It can be said that in the past ten years, the earth of Bagui has undergone tremendous historical changes.

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Guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will focus on doing a good job in several areas. First, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, vigorously promote industrial revitalization, rural revitalization, and revitalization of science and education, focus on making up for shortcomings in people’s livelihood and social undertakings, accelerate the construction of a modern economic system, and make solid progress in promoting common prosperity. More efforts will be made in the high-quality development of ethnic areas. The second is to expand openness and cooperation in an all-round way, jointly build a new western land-sea channel at a high level, actively serve and build a closer China-ASEAN community of shared future, and make greater breakthroughs in serving and integrating into the new development pattern. The third is to promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, accelerate the construction of beautiful Guangxi, a strong ecological civilization area and a strong cultural tourism area, build an important ecological barrier in the south of the motherland, and achieve greater progress in promoting green development. The fourth is to accelerate the modernization of the governance system and governance capacity, forge a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation, consolidate and develop the good situation of national unity, social stability, and frontier tranquility, and make greater contributions to safeguarding national security. The fifth is to further promote the new great project of party building in the new era, and achieve greater results in promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the party.

  Keywords: equipment manufacturing industry

Clustering into chains, technology empowerment, and fertile soil

Reporter: How did Hunan’s manufacturing industry create a new situation and achieve leapfrog development?

Yang Haodong:Hunan unswervingly and earnestly implements the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and accelerates the development of advanced manufacturing. The development of equipment manufacturing industry in Hunan can be summed up in three groups of words.

One is clustering into chains. We focus on cultivating and expanding world-class leading companies such as Hunan Iron and Steel, Sany Heavy Industry, Zoomlion, and CRRC Zhuzhou, and build three world-class industries such as machinery manufacturing, rail transit equipment, and small and medium-sized aero engines. The second is technology empowerment. We insist on promoting intelligent manufacturing with scientific and technological innovation, establish the Chang-Zhu-Tan National Regional Science and Technology Innovation Center, implement the “Seven Major Plans” to tackle key core technologies, and overcome more than 200 domestic technological gaps. The third is to plant fertile soil. Continue to create a market-oriented, legalized, and international business environment, establish a chain-length system for provincial leaders to link industrial clusters and industrial chains, create an upgraded version of “one thing at a time”, and implement the “10,000 cadres unite 10,000 enterprises action” ”, so that entrepreneurs can play the leading role, be respected, commended, and supported, and the development momentum and confidence of the enterprise will become more and more full.

We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, accelerate the development of Hunan’s manufacturing industry, and contribute Hunan’s strength to the Chinese-style modernization drive.

  Keywords: food security

Hold the seed firmly in your hands

Reporter: Henan is a major agricultural province. How can Henan give full play to its own advantages and shoulder the important task of food security?

Zhou Ji:For five consecutive years, the total grain output in Henan has exceeded 130 billion kilograms, using 1/16 of the country’s arable land to produce 1/10 of the country’s grain and more than 1/4 of the wheat. We not only solve the problem of feeding 100 million people, but also export more than 60 billion catties of raw grain and finished products to the whole country every year. This year, we enjoyed a bumper harvest of summer grains, and the output reached a new record high. Now that the autumn harvest is coming to an end, the bumper harvest is a foregone conclusion.

We seized the two key points of arable land and seeds, and implemented the strictest arable land protection policy, so that the quantity and quality of arable land will not be reduced. Henan has built 75.8 million mu of high-standard farmland, and more “Wangtian fields” have become “high-yield fields” that guarantee yields under drought and flood. We are accelerating the construction of a national innovation center for the biological breeding industry. Now, the seed industry in Henan Province is developing very fast, and the coverage rate of crop varieties is over 97%. We must firmly hold seeds, the “chip” of agriculture, in our own hands.

We are deeply engaged in the two major fields of market and processing, and take “farmer’s head and work tail” and “grain head and food tail” as the starting point, let “small farmers” join hands with “big market”, and improve the comparative advantage of grain cultivation. At present, the industrialization rate of staple grains in Henan is over 65%, and the conversion rate of grain and oil processing exceeds 80%. The agricultural product processing industry has become a trillion-dollar industry. 1/2 of ham sausages, 1/3 of instant noodles, 1/4 of steamed buns, 3/5 of glutinous rice balls, and 7/10 of dumplings in the market are all produced in Henan.

We have stimulated the enthusiasm for grain harvesting and grain cultivation, improved the provincial grain subsidy policy, vigorously promoted high-quality varieties, and actively developed socialized service organizations. Peace of mind”.

(Guangming Daily, Beijing, October 19th)

“Guangming Daily” (October 20, 2022 07 edition)

责编:徐皓 ]

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