Home » In Modena, a march for the right to oncological oblivion

In Modena, a march for the right to oncological oblivion

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In Modena, a march for the right to oncological oblivion

One step after another, following the motto of #iononsonoilmiotumore. Because what will be held in Modena on Sunday 23 October is a special walk of 5 kilometers: the final event of the campaign to ask for the law for the right to be forgotten oncology. That is, the right of former patients to no longer be considered sick by credit and insurance institutions, and by society in general.

The right to be forgotten oncology

Promoted by the AIOM Foundation, the campaign has now largely exceeded its goal: the achievement of 100 thousand signatures to be brought to the new Prime Minister and President Mattarella to request a rule that allows former patients – about one million in Italy – not to suffer discrimination due to illness. For many of them, in fact, the recovery appears only in the medical record, while at the bureaucratic level, in the processes of adoption or hiring at work, the disease continues to represent an obstacle. The required law would allow Italy to follow the virtuous example of France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland, Portugal and Romania, which already protect their citizens with a dedicated law.

The request for an ad hoc law

The initiative of 23 October, which has over 200 members registered on the rightallobliotumori.org website, obtained municipal sponsorship and the participation, alongside patients and their families and friends, of voluntary associations, institutions, doctors and researchers. “A unique opportunity to meet to celebrate the incredible result achieved – underlines Giordano Beretta, president of the AIOM Foundation – Today, thanks to technological innovation and scientific research, 3.6 million people live after a cancer diagnosis . This is why it has become essential to allow patients, especially the younger ones, to enjoy a free and complete life after the end of treatment. Many of them have suffered significant discrimination despite many years have passed since the end of treatment. They contacted us to anonymously tell us their stories, the problems in taking out a mortgage because of life insurance, the possible difficulties in the paths of adoption, many abandoned entrepreneurial dreams. We launched the initiative in January and having even exceeded the target of 100,000 signatures reconfirms our interest in this campaign of civilization. Now we just have to deliver the signatures to the institutions and request an ad hoc law ”.

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A right that can no longer be denied

From January to today, the initiative has seen the participation of many people, many of whom have been involved in the social campaign and have ‘put their face’ on it, sharing a photo of them with the sign #iononsonoilmiotumore or #tunonseiltuotumore. “The enthusiasm of those who have worked to participate in the campaign and, now, in the final walk, is contagious – adds Angela Toss, researcher at the Oncological Genetics Unit of the University of Modena and member of the board of directors of the AIOM Foundation -. In a few weeks, the desire to carry out the event here became a reality, thanks to the incredible municipal organizational machine, the desire to contribute from the associations, the warmth of citizens and former patients. On Sunday, through the walk, we will return to look our supporters in the face, to hug each other to celebrate the goal and remember that now the ball goes to the institutions: they cannot deny us such an important right “.

Next appointment: 23 October in Modena

The march is open to all and will take place inside the Resistance Park (meeting at 9 am in the area in front of the SEFTA club for departure and return). “We strongly believe that it is everyone’s right to live a free life and it is painful to think that those who have already experienced a difficult situation such as an oncological disease must find themselves climbing other mountains”, concludes Grazia Baracchi, Councilor for Sport of the Municipality of Modena: “How Municipality have given our full support to the event, which will take place in one of our most beautiful parks. It will be a pleasant opportunity for exchange and support between institutions, citizens and associations. “

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