Home » Draghi on gas: “Soon operational decision: this is the wish of the whole European Council”

Draghi on gas: “Soon operational decision: this is the wish of the whole European Council”

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Draghi on gas: “Soon operational decision: this is the wish of the whole European Council”

“I am satisfied with the summit, all our proposals have been accepted”. Thus the Prime Minister Draghi commented on the EU gas measures adopted last night: «Decisions taken last night have already led to a drop in gas by about a third. Which shows that there is speculation linked to the crisis ».

And he added: «We expect that in the coming weeks the energy ministers and also Ecofin will reach an operational decision on energy and financing of the common fund. This is the hope that the whole European Council has expressed ”.

And again: «There is one aspect that makes me particularly proud. All these measures are initiatives of the Italian government, I want to thank Minister Cingolani and Undersecretary Amendola and all the diplomats who worked on the dossier. It is the demonstration that Italy can trace a path in Europe ».

According to Draghi «The problem is not the availability of gas. We continue to export, our stocks are full, and therefore what arrives we are exporting. The problem is the price at which the gas is purchased. On this front there were no proposals ». The premier reiterated that “our problem is not the availability of gas, so much so that we export it”. On the interview with Scholz he said: «We went over yesterday’s discussion. I gave credit to him for having understood the Italian position and to have finally supported it and he gave credit to me for having defended and explained it well: it was a beautiful conversation, two people who were on totally opposite points of view and found a convergence “.
On any advice to the new government Draghi cuts short: «I do not give advice to the new government, what an outgoing government can do is leave the testimony of what it has done, this is what an outgoing prime minister leaves to what arrives. We have tried to leave a smooth transition so that the new government can quickly start its own business ”.

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And he concluded the interview with the press by saying that from today the EU is more united “and no one expected it”.

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