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Masks mandatory, what changes from November 1st and for whom

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Masks mandatory, what changes from November 1st and for whom

The fight to the coronavirus, thanks to vaccines and variants that are fortunately becoming less and less dangerous, it has taken on a different attitude for some months. The restrictive policy has gradually left room for openness and greater coexistence with the virus.

It was the Draghi government to eliminate the various restrictions, such as green pass and compulsory mask. To date, there are very few anticovid measures still in force. One of these is the obligation of a mask in hospitals and Rsa. Well. the expiration of the measure is set for next October 31 and apparently the new executive with the name of Giorgia Meloni does not intend to renew it.

But it will not be the only decision the government intends to take. Apparently he is also thinking of postponing or even canceling the fines imposed on over 50s who have refused to be vaccinated. So let’s see what could change from November 1st.

Goodbye obligation masks from 1st November: where and for whom

The obligation to wear masks in hospitals and residences for the elderly is one of the latest laws against covid still in force. The deadline is set for next October 31st and apparently from November 1st it will be abolished. This is the indication that comes from the Government and from the new Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci. “We are working on it, respecting the patients. Today, the Covid disease is completely different from what it once was and therefore we are trying to make sure that there can gradually be a return to greater freedom ” – her words.

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The new executive is also considering organizing a commission of inquiry on the Covid management. According to Minister Schillaci “It may be useful to clarify what happened from an administrative point of view”.

“Go and see what has been done on purchases. I think it is correct to give a signal to the many sick people “ – he said. But the farewell to masks also in hospitals and RSA may not be the only decision taken by the Meloni government.

There is also thought of a postponement or cancellation of fines for unvaccinated over 50s

In fact, there would also be an amendment on the table that would postpone or even cancel the fines made to over 50s for not being vaccinated against covid. We are talking about an audience of 1.2 million Italians, including over 50, law enforcement and school staff. For them the fine of 100 euros was taken for not respecting the obligation set by the Government for that specific age group or work sector.

From the moment of the notice by the Revenue Agency, you had 10 days to present the documents to the ASL of residence and prove the exemption, vaccination abroad or a covid infection. Those who did not comply instead had 60 days to pay the fine. Payment may soon no longer be needed.

The League wants the postponement above all. Luca Ciriani, new minister for relations with parliament said: «There is the possibility of postponing the fines, I believe there are technical problems. We await the text from the ministry, but there is this hypothesis, not to cancel or freeze the fines but only the postponement of the term ».

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The one who spoke of the cancellation hypothesis was instead Luca Colettohead of the Health Department of the League. “I think a measure is in progress that points to an amnesty of sanctions for those who have not been vaccinated, it is a heavy situation and there is no longer any reason to keep these measures in place” – he said.

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