Home » What to eat before a workout? Experts reveal: these are the best foods

What to eat before a workout? Experts reveal: these are the best foods

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What to eat before a workout?  Experts reveal: these are the best foods


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Healthy nutrition and training are important for those who want to have an enviable physical shape. But you have to pay attention to what to eat before a workout for maximum results. Here are tips and advice from the best experts in the sector on the best foods to eat before a training session.

Healthy nutrition and training they are important for those who want to have an enviable physical shape. But you have to pay attention to what to eat before a workout for maximum results. Let’s see what they are advice and tips from industry experts on the best foods to be taken before a training session.

Il concept of healthy nutrition goes hand in hand with the concept of perfect fitness. Learning to eat is important. However, it is equally important to know what to eat before playing sports and fitness thus getting the most out of training thanks to food.

It is appropriate then understand what and when to eat before workouts. Very often there is a risk of eating too little or too much. Of course, the right choice lies in the middle way, because eating too little would increase the risk of feeling weak, while eating too much would run the risk of feeling weighed down.

Eating heavy, hard-to-digest foods or exercising on an empty stomach is not exactly what experts recommend before exercising.

To this it should be added that a healthy and correct diet helps improve performance in the gym and give more resistance.

Ecco then the tricks and advice of the experts on what to eat in the pre-workout phase and the foods to eat after the gym to recover wasted energy.

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What to eat before a workout? Experts reveal: these are the best foods

What to eat before physical activity? It is of fundamental importance to ask this question because nutrition, health and sport go hand in hand.

The first thing to do it is without a doubt do not skip meals neither before nor after a training session. It must be dispelled the myth that fasting before a session in the gym can speed up weight loss, indeed training after fasting will increase hunger.

To deal with physical activity correctly then you need to have the right energy made from foods rich in carbohydrates, sugars and proteins. Without the necessary nutrients, the body would not have the right energy to cope with training efforts.

Exercising on an empty stomach can cause hypo and muscle catabolism. Therefore, before any physical activity, the main meal must be composed of foods rich in complex carbohydrates and fibers, such as cereals such as barley, oats, spelled, rye, rice, but also wholemeal pasta and bread, legumes, green leafy fruits and vegetables .

It should be specified that the right energy to absorb also depends on the type of sport and training practiced and the consequent sustained physical effort.

What to eat in the main meals before the gym

You have decided to train me of early morning and times know what you can eat?

Before understanding what to eat, you need to consider what type of training you will be practicing, the duration, your fitness and age.

Breakfast is recommended to have it one hour before the training session. The foods to be eaten can vary from one glass of milk or a jar of Greek yogurt, which contains the nutrients necessary for muscle growth, a few rusks, pancakes with jam or honey. They are recommended toeven cereals such as oat flakes.

At the end of the training session it is appropriate snack on dried fruit like almonds or a juice thus replenishing the lost energy.

If, on the other hand, you have decided to train after lunch or dinner the foods to eat before of a training session should consist of pasta or rice, that is, starches and vitamins, fibers and minerals, avoiding fats and limiting salt.

Fish or eggs are highly recommended, but also the white meat, chicken breast or turkey. All accompanied by salad or steamed vegetables.

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Great quinoa and potatoes, especially if sweet because they are excellent for increasing muscle mass,

If the training is done in the evening, the advice of the experts is to have a light meal con raw vegetables, carrots, tomatoes and salad but also fresh fruit such as bananas and dried fruit. As for lunch, fish, vegetables, such as courgettes or legumes are excellent.

Caution, there are no favorite or miraculous foods. It is good to know that our body needs all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Not only food, also excellent rehydrating drinks: here are which ones

What should I drink before a training session? Experts naturally recommend maintaining excellent hydration because many minerals are lost through sweat.

Experts advise to drink about 500ml of water one hour before training. No to carbonated and sweet or alcoholic drinks.

Excellent sugar-free milk and coconut milk, without forgetting the waters flavored with fresh fruit, such as strawberries, blackberries, blueberries. Other great drinks before or after your training session are watermelon juice, grape juice, and cherry juice.

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