Home » Lazio regionals, Conte al Pd sets the conditions for alliances

Lazio regionals, Conte al Pd sets the conditions for alliances

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Lazio regionals, Conte al Pd sets the conditions for alliances

«The method of our politics is the programs, the contents. We do not bear a grudge. I want to say this to the whole world of the Democratic Party which in these days is waving its arms out asking us for an act of generosity: our generosity does not exist if it means lack of clarity on the programs, watering down our values ​​and principles ». Giuseppe Conte sets the conditions of the alliances in view of the Lazio regions. “Let’s start from here: those who are there are welcome, as long as they behave with loyalty and fairness – said the leader of the M5s at a press conference -. And as long as it genuinely marries a serious political project to offer to the regional community ». “These are the essential and qualifying points of a serious political project – he remarked -: from here we start and see what will be the social and civic forces that will want to get involved in this project with enthusiasm”.

The leader talked about the environment and waste management, noting the no to the incinerator, then touched on sustainable mobility and health. On the name of their candidate he explained that “we will work to identify a worthy candidate interpreter of the project”, because “it takes courage to say no to inadmissible requests and courage” to keep what citizens have been told. “I don’t have a name,” he stressed, adding that “we will correctly identify it with the other political forces.”

No to new incinerators
Speaking of fixed points, our “line of action must include some key points, which for us are essential – underlined Conte -. In terms of waste disposal, this project will never be based on the construction of new incinerators, as it was for the capital. We haven’t changed our minds from what we’ve always said. Those who work with us on the regional plan will have to do it for a conversion of the Civitavecchia power plant, we must do it quickly because there are a thousand jobs to be safeguarded ». «In this perspective of environmental protection and ecological transition – he added – a pivotal point will be the Enel power plant in Civitavecchia: we must reconvert it towards renewables. And it must be done quickly ».

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The secretary of the Pd of Lazio, Bruno Astorre, replies that “the incinerator is not in Zingaretti’s program but if Conte wants to invade other fields, such as that of the Campidoglio, it is like using improper weapons: with diktats you can’t go forward”. The secretary intervened on the sidelines of the presentation of the report by the mayor Roberto Gualtieri to the Auditorium. «The president of the M5s Giuseppe Conte wants to bring down the wide field, to put an end to an excellent government experience, on an issue that does not concern the Lazio Region, or rather the waste-to-energy plant of Rome – he added-. The law has given powers to the mayor of Rome for that, it is not the competence of the Lazio Region ”.

Light rail for commuters
Speaking of mobility, Conte has promised that “we will trash the now old Rome Latina toll motorway project, upgrade the Pontina infrastructure and work on a light rail for commuters”.

“Break the perverse union between politics and health
Health Chapter. “We will fight to break the perverse union between politics and health – underlined Conte -. Those who will apply with us will undertake to avoid discretion in identifying health directions. We want qualified and competent people who do not respond to party or current logic ».

Renzi and Calenda “rely on the logic of the insult and the will to destroy the M5s” and this makes it “impossible to sit around a table – concluded Conte -. Our qualifying points are of a progressive strength, theirs is not a progressive horizon, beyond the insults they address us ». Action leader’s response was immediate: “Conte reiterates his No to the waste-to-energy plant in Rome which is the qualifying point of Gualtieri’s program – he writes on Twitter Carlo Calenda -. Can we assume that continuing to waste time with the M5S is useless at least in Lazio? Since there is a person of the Democratic Party of value already in the field, can we close? “.

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Conte “assumes a serious responsibility” to say no to the alliance for the regional teams in Lazio, he added Roberto Speranza on the sidelines of a debate on peace. “Whoever breaks the field delivers the victory to the right, this is a serious mistake.”

«Conte now has an obsession with the Democratic Party. It seems that he just can’t realize that the opponent is the right. The right that governs the country and which risks, due to his choices, also govern Lazio “, replied sources of the Nazarene commenting on the press conference.

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