Home » There is no snow in “Little Snow”, and the weather is not too cold. Hunan is still dominated by cloudy and rainy days in the new week-Focus Today- Hunan Online

There is no snow in “Little Snow”, and the weather is not too cold. Hunan is still dominated by cloudy and rainy days in the new week-Focus Today- Hunan Online

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There is no snow in “Little Snow”, and the weather is not too cold. Hunan is still dominated by cloudy and rainy days in the new week-Focus Today- Hunan Online

“Little Snow” did not see snow, the weather is not too cold, Hunan is still dominated by cloudy and rainy days in the new week

It dropped to 0°C at the end of the month! Changsha’s cliff-like cooling is coming

The “light snow” has arrived, but the temperature is like spring, and the citizens of Changsha street wear autumn clothes to welcome the “light snow”.

“The sun is setting and the mountains are far away, and the sky is cold and the white houses are poor.” On November 22, the twentieth solar term of the twenty-four solar terms ushered in, and it was also the second solar term “Xiaoxue” in winter. At this time in previous years, the temperature in most parts of our country will drop below 0 ℃. However, in the next few days, the temperature in Changsha will still show a warming trend. It is already the light snow solar term, and there is no Frozen. Facing the warm weather like spring, many citizens said, when will winter in Changsha come?

■Li Zhiyuan, trainee reporter of Huasheng Online Omnimedia

The temperature has not decreased but increased, this “light snow” is not too cold

The light snow solar term, but Changsha seems to be out of touch with winter. As the last wave of wet and cold air is gradually moving away, although there has been weak precipitation in Changsha recently, the temperature has risen steadily.

“My family’s thick clothes have been taken out a long time ago, and I have never had a chance to wear them.” Mr. Li, a citizen, told the reporter that he had already started wearing long johns at this time last year, but he is still wearing autumn clothes now. “I thought it was raining these days. The temperature will not rise, and I didn’t expect the weather to be more than 20 degrees. I really doubt that there will be no winter in Changsha.”

On November 22, on the streets of Changsha, many citizens wore light clothes. In a shopping mall, the reporter found that few citizens stopped to make purchases in the cotton clothing area. The staff of the mall told the reporter that the padded clothes area was put on the shelves according to the time in previous years, but this year’s weather is abnormal, and few citizens will buy cotton clothes. On the contrary, the sales of autumn clothes are higher than in previous years.

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According to data from the Central Meteorological Observatory, during the beginning of winter this year (November 7-21), the temperature in most parts of my country was significantly higher, making it the warmest beginning of winter since complete observations began in 1961. The area-weighted average temperature was 5.7°C, 2°C higher. According to the average calculation of provinces, regions and cities, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and many other places across the country, including Hunan, have broken local records for the same period.

Warm and wet “light snow” days, there are two more rounds of rain this month

Although the temperature is gradually rising, Hunan will still be dominated by rain in the new week. The reporter learned from the Hunan Provincial Meteorological Observatory that it is expected that there will be two rounds of rainfall in Hunan this week, that is, the process of light to moderate rain from the 21st to the 23rd; rain process. By then, the temperature will drop significantly.

Specifically, from the 23rd to the 25th, most of southern Shonen was mostly cloudy and rainy, while other areas were cloudy to cloudy. Among them, there was heavy fog in the northern Hunan area on the morning of the 25th. From the 26th to the 27th, a new round of rainfall will be ushered in. On the 26th, there will be moderate to heavy rains in northern Hunan, and on the 27th, heavy rains and local heavy rains in most parts of central Hunan.

Meteorological experts reminded that the recent frequent precipitation in Hunan is conducive to easing the drought, but attention should be paid to preventing secondary disasters that may be caused by local continuous rainfall. In addition, there will be intermittent rain during the day from the 24th to the 26th, and attention should be paid to prevent the possible adverse effects of heavy fog on traffic safety.

Welcome to a sharp drop in temperature, the temperature in Changsha will drop to 0 ℃ on the 30th

Shi Yan, a meteorological analyst of China Weather Network, said in an interview with the media that according to previous data analysis, North China and the Huanghuai area will usher in the first snow during the light snow solar term. Field of snow.

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However, our country has a vast territory, and the time of first snow varies greatly from place to place. Most areas in the Northeast and Northwest have already ushered in the first snow before the light snow solar term. Among them, Changchun, Hohhot, Shenyang and other places have “signed” for the first snow in this round. Some places even began to snow in mid-to-late October, while Most of the south often see snow only after mid-December.

Since the cold air force is weaker and northerly this year, although it has entered the light snow solar term, most of the country will still be warmer than normal in the next few days. When will it feel cold? According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, it is expected that around the 27th, There will be strong cold air affecting our country, bringing obvious strong winds, cooling and precipitation weather. And Changsha may also usher in a cliff-like cooling weather at the end of the month.

The weather forecast of China Weather Network shows that the temperature in Changsha will drop to freezing point on November 30, ranging from 0°C to 3°C, and it is expected to usher in rain and snow on December 1.


Changsha weather forecast for the next three days

During the day on November 23: cloudy to scattered light rain, north wind level 3, 13°C-18°C;

From the evening of November 23 to the day of November 24: cloudy to cloudy, north wind 2 to 3, 14°C-20°C;

From the evening of November 24th to the daytime of November 25th: cloudy, southerly wind 2, 14°C-23°C.


Snow is getting colder! Beware of flu attacks

Huasheng Online, November 22, today ushers in the light snow solar term, and the weather will gradually become colder. This is the period of influenza virus outbreak. A few days ago, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued health tips on the prevention and control of influenza in autumn and winter.

The full name of influenza is influenza, which is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus. Influenza viruses can cause seasonal epidemics every year, and the whole population is generally susceptible.

Li Jie, a physician at the Preventive Medicine Outpatient Department of the Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, explained that influenza is not a common cold. Each year, the peak influenza epidemic can cause 3 to 5 million severe cases worldwide.

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Liang Weijun, deputy chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care at Changsha Central Hospital, analyzed that influenza viruses are highly contagious, and there are often cases where one person gets sick and affects the whole family. Influenza is very harmful. If the elderly and children are infirm, if they suffer from influenza, it can lead to bacterial pneumonia; after pregnant women are infected with influenza virus, it is easy to affect fetal development and even cause spontaneous abortion.

According to experts, influenza vaccination is currently recognized as one of the most effective and economical measures to prevent influenza in the world. Protective antibodies can be produced about 14 days after vaccination, and the effective protection period is one year.

Citizens should take daily preventive measures and develop good daily home hygiene habits: wash hands frequently, wear masks, gather less, and ventilate more; maintain healthy daily habits, eat a balanced diet, exercise moderately, and rest adequately; stay away from sources of infection, avoid If you have close contact with patients with flu symptoms such as fever, cough or sore throat; if you have fever, headache, nasal congestion, cough, general malaise and other respiratory symptoms, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.


TCM experts remind, pay attention to keep out the cold and invigorate the kidney

Starting from the Xiaoxue solar term, the temperature will gradually drop and enter the real winter. Tan Chao, an associate professor of internal medicine at the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded the general public that special attention should be paid to keeping out the cold and invigorating the kidneys at this time. He suggested that black food such as black rice, black beans, black sesame, black fungus, black dates, rehmannia, and mulberries can be eaten appropriately during the light snow solar term to achieve the purpose of nourishing and strengthening the kidneys, enhancing human immunity, and delaying aging. These black foods are not only nutritious, but also mostly mild in nature and flavor, nourishing but not greasy, warm but not dry.

■All media reporter Li Qi correspondent Wang Xin

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