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Health? It’s a kid thing

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Health?  It’s a kid thing

Nine videos, 74 information pills, 3 infographics and 2 video overviews on nutrition, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and excess weight, and 9 information sheets with insights on breakfast, active mobility, snacks, motor activity at school, proper nutrition, fruit consumption and vegetables, movement, water consumption and sedentary lifestyle. All colored and animated, for the good use and consumption of school-age boys and girls.

Yes, because it is above all them, the boys and girls, who are the recipients of the new social media campaign Health is built from an early agethe initiative designed to promote healthy lifestyles through simple indications, concrete, immediate suggestions on nutrition and physical activity and on how to improve the daily habits of the whole family.

Obesity, the days before birth would be essential to prevent it

by Valentina Guglielmo

The health education initiative is promoted by the National Center for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (Cnapps) of the Higher Institute of Health (ISS), by the Burlo Garofolo Maternal-Infantile Iccs of Trieste and is financed by the Ministry of Health as part of “Gaining health“, one of the projects of the Ccm, the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control, will be organized through appointments every 10-15 days, by tuning into the Guadagnare Salute social channels Facebook and Instagram .

The question is of some weight

In Italy, according to data from the OKkio alla SALUTE surveillance, coordinated by ISS, as many as one in three children is overweight or obese: “A condition often related to a lifestyle that combines a diet that is too caloric and a low level of physical activity – he claims John Capellidirector of Cnapps – Reflecting on these aspects is therefore essential to promote the health and well-being of the whole family”. Any data? 20% of Italian children do not do physical activity every day, when the adequate levels of physical activity for school age is one hour a day. Just under half of the classes, 47%, do not carry out the 2 hours of motor activity recommended for schools. In our country, one in 4 children (25%) consumes sugary drinks every day and sodas which typically contain excessive doses of sugar which can lead to weight gain, diabetes and tooth decay.

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The good example of parents

“We know – continues Capelli – that the living environment can facilitate and promote health: school, work, the community can offer opportunities to make healthy choices, but it is also up to us to find these opportunities. When, in the family, we choose a favor of health, we can become a positive example for our children. On the other hand, the habits acquired in the years of growth are those that tend to be maintained even as adults”. Health is built from small, in fact.

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Nine cards to understand how to act

Each of the nine cards, after a brief introduction on the topic to which it is dedicated, reports the data of OKkio alla Salute and suggests how to act by promoting a synergy between school and family.

  1. The breakfast. According to the 2019 data from OKkio alla Salute, in Italy 1 in 10 children (9%) does not eat breakfast and about 1 in 3 (36%) eats an unbalanced breakfast in terms of carbohydrates (biscuits or cereals) and proteins (milk or yogurt). This leads to a tendency to eat more at snack time or at lunch.
  2. Active mobility. Only 1 in 4 children (26%) walk or cycle to school. The proximity of the school can certainly influence this aspect, but the lack of propensity for active mobility represents a missed opportunity to carry out a little movement from the morning, essential for learning and concentration in children.
  3. Snack. More than half of the children (55%) consume a mid-morning snack that is too abundant, i.e. with an excess of fats and sugars. If you eat a snack with too many calories, you risk not being hungry at the next meal, thus unbalancing the amount of food eaten in the rest of the day and increasing the likelihood of overweight and obesity.
  4. Motor activity at school. Almost half of the classes (47%) do not carry out the 2 hours of motor activity recommended for schools. Practicing motor activity at school would allow all children to more easily reach the recommended levels, corresponding to one hour a day of physical activity, to socialize, break up the rhythm of lessons and reduce sedentary lifestyles.
  5. The correct nutrition. Almost 1 in 3 children (29%) are overweight. This situation is often related to an incorrect lifestyle, which combines an excessively caloric diet with a low level of physical activity.
  6. The consumption of fruit and vegetables. Almost 1 in 4 children (24%) do not eat fruit and vegetables every day: this means not reaching the recommended 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, which should be distributed among the various meals and snacks of the day.
  7. The movement. One in 5 children (20%) does not do physical activity every day: this means not having reached the adequate levels of physical activity for this age group, which require at least one hour of physical activity per day.
  8. The consumption of water. One in 4 children (25%) consume sugary and carbonated drinks every day. These drinks can contain a large amount of sugar which, when consumed every day, can lead to weight gain, diabetes and tooth decay.
  9. The sedentary lifestyle. Almost 1 in 2 children (45%) spend more than 2 hours in front of TV or other devices such as video games, tablets, mobile phones. Added to these sedentary behaviors are the hours spent sitting at school. A sedentary lifestyle, in addition to increasing the health risks for children, also implies the reduction of daily opportunities to carry out physical activity with family or friends.
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