Home » The water behind Li Tie’s case is very deep. Fu Xiang, a former Football Association official, was taken away for investigation | Chinese Men’s Football | Head Coach | Zhang Lu

The water behind Li Tie’s case is very deep. Fu Xiang, a former Football Association official, was taken away for investigation | Chinese Men’s Football | Head Coach | Zhang Lu

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The water behind Li Tie’s case is very deep. Fu Xiang, a former Football Association official, was taken away for investigation | Chinese Men’s Football | Head Coach | Zhang Lu

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing time, December 09, 2022]The case of Li Tie, the former head coach of the Chinese National Men’s Football Team, continues to ferment and spread widely. After several former international players were taken away, it is now reported that Fu Xiang, the executive committee member of the Chinese Football Association and former director of the football management center, was taken away for investigation. According to reports, Fu Xiang’s involvement in the case may involve referees and other current Football Association officials.

Former international footballer Zheng Bin was taken away in handcuffs

According to Sohu.com, on December 8, relevant departments continued to investigate Li Tie. Among them, many people were taken away for investigation! According to Li Xuan, a well-known person, Zheng Bin, a regular partner of Li Tie’s coaching staff, was also dismissed for investigation. Due to his special ability, Zheng was favored by Li Tie.

Li Xuan also pointed out on social media that when Li Tie was coaching the Chinese men’s football team, Zheng Bin was in charge of tactics and formation. In addition to Zhang Lu and other 3 people who were transferred for investigation before, 4 people have been brought under investigation so far. The problem is that Li Tie is still under investigation by relevant departments, and more people will be involved in the future.

On November 26, Li Tie was declared sacked.

On December 8, “Football News” domestic director Li Xuan posted on his Weibo that another person close to Li Tie was taken away. He had previously assisted in the investigation and had just returned to public view a few days ago. But he was taken away again tonight, this time probably not as simple as Xiecha, because like Zhang Lu, he was handcuffed.

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Then Li Xuan posted again, “The person I mentioned last night who was taken away for investigation was Zheng Bin. Over the years, he has been the most regular partner in Li Tie’s coaching staff.”

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On the same day, Du Liyan, a media person, said on Weibo: “Another one was taken away. He once fought with Li Tie in the South and North, and is currently working for a certain northern team. The next game of the team will be played in Haikou.”

Former “Sports Weekly” Ran Xiongfei also posted an article saying that Zheng Bin was publicly taken away and handcuffed when he went out to eat with the team in the Haikou competition area during the holiday; Zheng Bin’s friend is also the “important assistant” of Li Tie’s team After being taken away to assist in the investigation for the first time, he has been in a state of mysterious disappearance. Xin Feng is mainly responsible for external relations and public relations in Li Tie’s team. He is one of Li Tie’s mysterious assistants. A participant or executor in a match-fixing case.

In addition, Zheng Bin is a teammate of Li Tie’s Jian Libao team. In 2015, Li Tie was the head coach for the first time, and Zheng Bin was an assistant coach. He is almost a witness of Li Tie’s entire coaching career. He should know Li Tie’s “many actions” “, his arrest proves that Li Tie has been caught with a lot of black material.

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According to public information, 45-year-old Zheng Bin, a former member of the national football team, is a midfielder and avant-garde on the field. He is currently the technical director and youth training director of Tianjin Jinmen Tigers Football Club.

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It is understood that Zheng Bin and Li Tie were both players of the Shenzhen Jianlibao team when they were players. After retiring, they served in many Super League teams. Li Tie has brought Zheng Bin by his side from coaching Hebei China Fortune and Wuhan Zall to coaching the Chinese men’s football team.

Former Football Association official Fu Xiang was taken away for investigation

On December 9, Li Xuan broke the news again, “From last night to now, a former official (retired) of the Wuhan Football Association has lost contact. It is widely rumored in the Wuhan football circle that this person was taken away for investigation. I also went to implement it. The situation is true. , The incident should have happened yesterday afternoon. Because I said his name, you are not familiar with it, so I will not mention his name. This person is well-known among the officials of the local football association in the Chinese football circle, and he is a very energetic person. If He was assisted in the investigation and finally found out the problem, then the investigation triggered by the Li Tie case will be extended to the Football Association system, and may even involve the referee. Of course, everything depends on the police investigation results.”

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On the same day, Ran Xiongfei also posted that it was rumored that Fu Xiang, executive member of the Chinese Football Association, former secretary-general of the Wuhan Football Association, and former director of the Football Management Center, had been taken away by the Hubei Provincial Economic and Management Police dispatched by Li Tie’s task force to “assist in the investigation.” Fu Xiang has retired for two years.

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Ran Xiongfei said that Fu Xiang is the “behind-the-scenes hero” of Wuhan Sanzhen, which owns the second Chinese Super League club in Wuhan. Wider, there are player transactions, foreign aid transactions, match-fixing manipulation, etc. At present, the real reason why Fu Xiang is under investigation cannot be confirmed! So far in the case of Li Tie, Zhang Lu, Zheng Bin, Gao Yao, Xin Feng, Tian Xudong and other football players in Li Tie’s circle of activities have been investigated, and Fu Xiang, as the former head of the Wuhan Football Association, should be The first Football Association official involved.

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However, the news that the above-mentioned personnel were investigated has not yet been officially confirmed.

Netease’s article stated that as Fu Xiang “surfacing” more and more “fish and shrimp” will have nowhere to hide. Compared with athletes who make black money, Fu Xiang exists like a protective umbrella. It is his various operations and “care” for Wuhan Zall in the Football Association that make Li Tie and others lawless!

(Comprehensive report by reporter Tang Zheng/Editor in charge: Lin Qing)

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2022/12/09/a103594312.html

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