Home » Maneuver. Onotri (Smi): “Retirement at 72 for doctors regressive norm”

Maneuver. Onotri (Smi): “Retirement at 72 for doctors regressive norm”

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Maneuver.  Onotri (Smi): “Retirement at 72 for doctors regressive norm”

“We are thrilled by the way in which, after the pandemic, the critical issues of our NHS are being addressed. We reiterate it: we need remunerations for doctors on average with the European ones together with a stop to the use of cooperatives and private subjects which will lead to cost increases and an unfavorable impact on the organization of health services, to stop the escape of doctors from the NHS “. says the secretary general of the union.

09 DIC

“The approval of an amendment by the parliamentary majority in the Social Affairs Commission of the Chamber of Deputies to the 2023 budget law which establishes the raising of the retirement age to 72 for doctors employed and affiliated with the National Health Service, albeit voluntarily , represents the regressive trait of this maneuver and certifies that no resources are foreseen for doctors, let alone concrete projects “, so Pina OnotriSecretary General of the Italian Doctors Union (SMI).

“We are making great strides towards the non-deliverability of essential levels of assistance and the ungovernability of the National Health Service, while work has begun to carry out the works envisaged by the PNRR, community hospitals and health homes for the functioning of which will require new doctors. All this in the face of the now structural shortage throughout the country of general practitioners and those of hospital specialists.

“A horizon more gloomy than ever also taking into account the green light of the State-Regions Conference for the agreement on the allocation of resources (from the national health fund and therefore not additional) of the measure envisaged by the budget law for the recruitment of personnel for the new territorial assistance structures (Community Homes, Community Hospitals, Care Continuity Units and Territorial Operations Centres) which does not provide additional resources for doctors “.

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“We are thrilled by the way in which, after the pandemic, the critical issues of our NHS are being addressed. We reiterate it: we need remunerations for doctors on average with the European ones together with a stop to the use of cooperatives and private subjects which will determine cost increases and an unfavorable impact on the organization of health services, to stop the escape of doctors from the NHS “.

“The government listens to us, or we will be forced to proclaim a state of agitation and a strike to defend the rights of doctors and the unity of medical and health services in our country”.

09 December 2022
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