Home » Hypothyroidism, if you suffer from it this food becomes a great ally

Hypothyroidism, if you suffer from it this food becomes a great ally

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Hypothyroidism, if you suffer from it this food becomes a great ally

Hypothyroid syndrome can be solved with pharmacological treatment, but what you eat can be the key to getting better, just like this food

Hypothyroidism is increasingly widespread among the global population, the causes are often of hereditary origin and, therefore, genetic, even if the triggering causes can be multiple and occur in conjunction with other disorders of the immune system.

Thyroid problems? – crmag.it

The first rule to follow when a thyroid problem is diagnosed is to follow a personalized drug treatment based on your problems. The second step is to act on your lifestyle, and adopt a balanced and healthy diet. In this regard, there are foods that are to be preferred and that they can act as enhancers of the effects of drugs related to therapy. Let’s find out what they are.

Here is the key food in your diet if you suffer from hypothyroidism

According to the Italian Food Society, those with thyroid problems must pay more attention to nutrition and supplementation substance particularly important for this syndrome: iodine. The proper functioning of the thyroidwhich is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck, it is guaranteed precisely by the right amount of iodineas this is absorbed by the gland to synthesize thyroid hormone.

In our territory, unfortunately, this important ally is scarce and, therefore, it becomes important to load up by consuming a particular category of food. Among the foods that play an important role in supporting the proper functioning of the thyroid we find the pasture, a food rich in iodine.

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thyroid nutrition
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To take on this precious substance it is important to prefer fish to the consumption of red meat, and iodized salt to common table salt. These two behaviors alone can make a difference in managing the disease. The foods that we can easily find and which are very rich in iodine are sea ​​fish and crustaceans in general. Eggs, milk and meat also contain important quantities. Fruits and vegetables can also contain more or less variable quantities of iodine, but much depends on the richness of the soil of the crops involved.

But what is the daily intake of iodine necessary to keep the thyroid healthy? According to the ISS, it is estimated that an individual should integrate, through food, approximately 150 micrograms per day. However, the presence of iodine in food and water is highly variable and increasingly scarce over the years, due to pollution. For this reason it is important to integrate with the addition of iodized saltwidely available commercially.

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