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at Christmas peak and hospitals under stress»

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at Christmas peak and hospitals under stress»

The flu is scary this year, especially due to the exponential and anticipated growth of infections. “We are facing a new pandemic, the data from other European countries are impressive,” says Matteo Bassetti, director of infectious diseases at the Policlinico San Martino hospital in Genoa. In Italy there are already one million infections (rapidly increasing). And the worst is yet to come, because the peak is expected for the Christmas weeks, when many doctors are on vacation: a fact that could put the health system under stress.

The worst curve of the last 50 years

There are already one million infections in Italy in the week that has just ended, which will probably become 1.5 million the following week given the very high circulation of the virus. “Looking at the data from other European countries as well, the curve advances vertically, at 90 degrees, it’s really impressive,” explains Bassetti. “We haven’t seen an influenza with these devastating characteristics for 50 years. The swine of 2009 was a rapid growth, but not with these characteristics».

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Nightmare at Christmas: “Possible stress in hospitals”

While in other years the peak came between January and February, «This year the maximum number of infections is expected at Christmas, when the health system is most deprived of doctors for the holidays. This is where the problems can come and the health facilities could be under stress» says Bassetti. The flu “It’s like a machine that has now started up” says the professor: the virus “infects” small children in the first phase, now it has a wide circulation even among adolescents and adults and by Christmas it could arrive to the elderly and the most fragile. In short, the situation is potentially explosive, not to mention that the flu is not the only infection in circulation: «Pneumococci, hemophiles and even Covid which remains as background noise, a contagious virus in any case. We are in a river almost to the bank and it is continuing to rain.’

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How to prevent contagion

To prevent infections it is necessary “Respect the hygiene rules, always wash your hands, and for the most fragile, also wear a mask in public transport or indoors, even if it does not ensure 100% protection” explains Bassetti. And the vaccine anti-flu? «It had to be done before, because takes at least two weeks to be fully effective. Therefore, especially for the elderly, it must be done as soon as possible to avoid the Christmas wave ». The vaccine is essential protection especially for the elderly: «A young person at most will stay at home for a week, while a large number of elderly people with flu could make hospitals suffer. In Italy, only one frail out of 2 or one out of three gets vaccinated against the flu» concludes Bassetti.

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Medicines and antibiotics: no running to the pharmacy or to the emergency room

Finally, the doctor warns against wrong practices. The flu can be treated at home, he clarifies «It is not necessary to stuff yourself with medicines and syrups, just consult your doctor and take an antipyretic (paracetamol, ibuprofen) if the fever rises above 38 and a half. The flu lasts a week and must run its course» explains Bassetti. Finally, a warning is to avoid antibiotics unless prescribed by your doctor, and so also visits to the emergency room: “You risk bringing a virus to the hospital, aggravating the situation”.

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