Home » “Qingqing Daily” member Chen Xiaojun plays the role of Hao Jia, and the popularity continues to soar and bloom in full bloom.

“Qingqing Daily” member Chen Xiaojun plays the role of Hao Jia, and the popularity continues to soar and bloom in full bloom.

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“Qingqing Daily” member Chen Xiaojun plays the role of Hao Jia, and the popularity continues to soar and bloom in full bloom.

Source title: “Qing Qing Daily” member finale Chen Xiaojun plays the role of Hao Jia, and the popularity continues to soar and bloom in full bloom

Starring Bai Jingting, Tian Xiwei, and Chen Xiaojun, the ancient light comedy “Daily Life” ended as a member. This drama has become the most popular drama series in the history of iQiyi, and its popularity has swept the entire network. And Chen Xiaojun also gained a lot of attention with the role of Hao Jia, and the popularity and discussion remained high, which can be said to be full of multi-platform.

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The female group portraits in the series focus on the reality of the world and Hao Jia’s sobriety resonates

Hao Jia played by Chen Xiaojun, as an independent and sober representative in “Daily Life”, can always show the charm of female characters. At the beginning, Hao Jia’s sentence “Of course I like myself” portrays the character image of an independent and sober woman, which instantly attracts attention and wins the empathy of many audiences.

The mutual help, love and encouragement, and the pursuit of the desired life among the female characters in the play let us see the beautiful qualities of mutual redemption among women. Hao Jia’s growth also conveys to the audience “rejection of appearance anxiety” and “being for oneself” And the practical significance of “living” and “man must create happiness by himself”.

Chen Xiaojun’s emotional and delicate interpretation of Hao Jia’s growth path

The image of Hao Jia in “Qingqing Daily” is pitiful, but he can show tenacity at critical moments. Chen Xiaojun’s handling of the characters properly handles Hao Jia’s personality traits such as being smart and pleasant, soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

In addition, as the only torture line in light comedy, Hao Jia’s growth path is very complete, and Chen Xiaojun also uses his superb acting skills to portray the changes before and after the character’s growth in detail. Whether it’s the gentleness and kindness when dealing with sisters, the despair of being destroyed by marriage, or the self-confidence and tenacity after rebirth, they are all handled accurately in a layered performance. The plot of “two Hao Jia staring at each other” at the finale is also very impressive: one is Hao Jia who is looking forward to the unknown and happy, and the other is Hao Jia who is reborn from the Jedi and treats it indifferently. The subtle changes in demeanor reveal the details of different stages of transformation and character growth in an instant, which shows that Chen Xiaojun’s understanding and grasp of the characters is very precise.

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Making every effort to create multi-dimensional characters, powerful actor Chen Xiaojun is not afraid of challenges

Chen Xiaojun has always been challenging roles of different styles. From Tina who became a stepmother at a young age in “A Little Farewell”, to the gentle, lovely, alert and low-key Xin Xin in “Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace”, the gentle and calm Tilan in “Mrs. Hao Jia, who seems to be weak but actually “sober in the world” in Qingqing Daily, each character has its own characteristics, and they are all portrayed delicately, and the interpretation is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

The proficient acting skills that are constantly honed and the free conversion of different types well demonstrate Chen Xiaojun’s plasticity as a good actor, and behind her super-high evaluation of “acting what looks like” and “showing face” is her appreciation of different actors. The deep empathy of genre roles, as well as her strict requirements for herself.

Through “Daily Life of Qingqing”, more and more audiences have seen Chen Xiaojun’s precise control over the role interpretation, and glimpsed Chen Xiaojun’s unique charm as an actor. Many works such as “Ice”, “Incomparable Beauty” and “One Thought Guanshan” are full of expectations. I believe that in the future, Chen Xiaojun will be able to explore characters with more diversified perspectives and bring more high-quality works to the audience.

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