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Maneuver 2023, all measures from pensions to the tax authorities

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Maneuver 2023, all measures from pensions to the tax authorities

MILANO – After the parliamentary marathon and the strong controversies of the oppositions for the compression of the discussion times, the first maneuver by the Meloni government was officially approved by the Senate, after the trust: there were 107 votes in favor (they had been 109 for the trust), 69 against and one abstention. “Mission accomplished” for the owner of Finance, Giancarlo Giorgetti: “The budget we have presented respects the commitments made with the voters and has first gained the trust of the markets and the European institutions and now even more importantly, that of the Parliament. Prudence, coherence and responsibility build trust”. The budget law for 2023, worth 35 billion, is so law. And it is for the vast majority dedicated to bills and the fight against energy price increases: items that fetch 21 billion and which, moreover, in many cases have a horizon limited to the first quarter of the year. From pensions to the citizen’s income squeeze, from the single allowance to bonuses: here are the main interventions.

Zero charges and discounts for businesses: measures for energy

The maneuver uses 21 billion for energy. The tax credit for businesses has been strengthened, the Isee threshold is widening for families to access social bonuses. Change the extra profit tax. All the details

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti (ansa)

Pensions, share 103 to avoid Fornero. Women’s option for a few. Partial revaluations

Very limited possibilities for those who want to go to 2023 early retirement: quota 103the new transitional measure it replaces quota 100waiting for a real reform of the Fornero lawincludes only those with at least 41 years of contributions and 62 years of age, e Option Woman the possibility remains only for those who are at least 60 years old, the age is reduced by one or two years only in the case of children. There revaluation he has to be content with the resources available, however he rewards medium-low allowances. The minimum achieve an increase of up to 600 euros, but only for over-75s and with coverage limited to 2023. All the details

How to retire in 2023: the Fornero rules remain, Quota 103 arrives

by Valentina Conte

Citizenship income, new stakes. But the offer remains “fair”

The flagship measure of the 5 Star Movement is greatly decimated by the Maneuver: it is moving towards abolition from 2024. It will be disbursed only for seven months, next year, to the approximately 440,000 households that do not have a disabled person, a minor, or an elderly person. And all the others will only receive it until December 31, 2023, then it will be abolished. The challenge for employables is training. In fact, the Lupi amendment which abrogates the term “congruous” from the job offer that cannot be refused is ineffective: however, it refers to the provisions of the Jobs Act which define, once again, the indispensable characteristics of the offer. All the details

Tax authorities, amnesty and removal of mini-files: 12 regularizations

The government called her “tax truce” and included in the Maneuver a large package of rules concerning the relationship between the tax authorities and taxpayers. Among the twelve amnesties envisaged, there is the cleanup for tax debts under 1,000 euros for the period 2000-2015. Exception for Municipalities: they will be able to choose whether or not to cancel the credits. All the details

From crypto to football, passing through excerpts from folders and favorable sanctions: the twelve tax amnesties of the Meloni government maneuver

by the Economics Editor

Taxes, wider flat tax for VAT numbers. Down the wedge to the employees

Continuity with the Draghi government in the signal to employees with medium-low incomes: reduced contribution wedge by two points for those with an income of up to 35,000 euros. The payrolls of 13.8 million workers will therefore maintain the increase obtained this year, which goes from 178 euros net (for those with an annual gross income of 12,000 euros) to 435 euros net for those with of 35 thousand euros. For workers with incomes of up to 25,000 euros, the wedge cut is boosted to 3 percentage points, one more than in 2022. For the self-employed, the flat tax al 15% the turnover threshold rises from 65 to 85 thousand euros. That too is debuting “incremental”, again for VAT numbers: a share of the increase in income recorded this year compared to the higher of the income declared in the previous three years and which is subject to the ordinary income tax rates is taxed at 15%. All the details

It is not a flat tax for the poor: it is not convenient for young and precarious workers

by Valentina Conte

Enhanced single allowance, smart working only for the frail: the family

Change thesingle check which merged the deductions for family members. From next year, the flat-rate increase for households with four or more children – equal to 100 euros per month per household, already recognized for 2022 – will be increased by fifty percent. A 50% increase is also envisaged for each child under the age of one, or under the age of three if the ISEE of the family unit is less than or equal to 40,000 euros and there are at least three children. The smart working agevolato it goes on only for the frail. Lower VAT on women’s and children’s products. All the details

Superbonus, mortgages, furniture: interventions for the home

The chapter on building bonuses is back. In tandem with the Aiuti quater decree, the Maneuver dictates the new calendar for exploiting the Superbonus 110% also in 2023: only in specific cases involving condominiums, for the others it will in fact drop to 90%. Next year it will be possible to deduct 50% of expenses up to 8 thousand euros for refrigerators & Co with the extension of the mobile bonuses. On financing for purchases, the measures are lengthened for the benefit of young people and the possibility of switching from variable to fixed is back. All the details

Mortgages, with the manoeuvre, the possibility of moving from variable to fixed returns. Here’s how the rate is calculated and who benefits from it

by Raffaele Ricciardi

From food shopping to the psychologist: all the bonuses

Renzi’s 18App goes to the attic and a double track arrives to encourage new adults to go to the cinema or the theater, or buy books: a “Youth Culture Charter” for those in a household with Isee up to 35 thousand euros; a “Card of merit“, to those matured with 100 cents. Half a billion in a Fund to support the purchase of food goods for families with Isee up to 15 thousand euros, there is also the experimentation of Food Income: distribution of unsold supermarkets to the poor. The psychologist bonus it is also extended to the years 2023 and 2024 and later. The limit rises to 1,500 euros per person (in 2022 it was 600 euros per person with parameters for the various Isee groups within 50,000 euros). In light of the interest recorded in 2022 (one in ten applications accepted due to resource limitations), the overall spending ceiling is low: 5 million euros for 2023 and 8 million from 2024. All the details

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