Home Ā» A 60-year-old Japanese otaku was interrupted while watching anime and gnawed on his parents for 30 years: Netizens complained that the second dimension is harmful–fast technology–technology changes the future

A 60-year-old Japanese otaku was interrupted while watching anime and gnawed on his parents for 30 years: Netizens complained that the second dimension is harmful–fast technology–technology changes the future

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A 60-year-old Japanese otaku was interrupted while watching anime and gnawed on his parents ruthlessly for 30 years: Netizens complained that the second dimension is harmful

2023-01-07 16:29:35 Source: KuaiTech Author: Xuehua Editor: Xuehua Comment()Click to copy the title and link of this article

Junji Matsumoto, a 60-year-old Japanese man, was sentenced to 30 years in prison on January 6 local time for killing his parents.

It is reported that Matsumoto dropped out of university without authorization, and after being severely reprimanded, he became disgusted with his father and tried to avoid him as much as possible. After dropping out of school, Matsumoto worked as a helper in his family’s liquor store, and was unemployed for more than 30 years at home, watching anime and comic books in his room every day.

At the beginning of last year, Matsumoto’s father began to have a tendency to suffer from cognitive impairment, asking the same thing repeatedly, and Matsumoto, who was always disturbed, was very dissatisfied.

Matsumoto’s lawyer tried to exonerate Matsumoto with “mental disorders in interpersonal relationships”, but the presiding judge believed that this did not affect the judgment of the case. The judge said that Matsumoto was ruthless and extremely criminal, but it was hard to say that the conflict with his father was the responsibility of Matsumoto alone. He decided to sentence him to 30 years in prison for murder and abandoning corpses.

After this incident happened, the two-dimensional element was fired on the hot search again. Many netizens felt that the two-dimensional element was too harmful. The two-dimensional element would not only cause a large number of otaku men and women who stayed at home, but also easily lead to thoughts. Question, Junji Matsumoto is an obvious example, what do you think?

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A 60-year-old Japanese otaku was interrupted while watching anime and gnawed on his parents ruthlessly for 30 years: Netizens complained that the second dimension is harmful

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Responsible Editor: Xuehua

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