Home » Bolsonaro accused of destroying the Alvorada palace. And the former president is now dreaming of Italian citizenship

Bolsonaro accused of destroying the Alvorada palace. And the former president is now dreaming of Italian citizenship

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Bolsonaro accused of destroying the Alvorada palace.  And the former president is now dreaming of Italian citizenship

Before leaving for the USA, where he took refuge with his wife Michelle and daughter Laura, Jair Bolsonaro practically destroyed the presidential apartment of the Palacio da Alvorada a Brasilia. She found out Janja, Rôsangela da Silvalast and third wife of Lula during an inspection of the headquarters where he will go to live with the new president of Brazil. She was upset and when she came back the second time she was accompanied by a journalist from Globo tv to testify the havoc with images. Torn carpets, sofas with holes and torn in several places, infiltrations in the walls, broken windows and works of art, such as fine paintings, abandoned outside and ruined by the sun. Also missing are some pieces that were part of the historical collection of the building which has always been used as the official residence of the heads of state. A real disaster.

In the reception hall the marble floor has raised points and detached parts. Bolsonaro had taken everything away. He left only a ballpoint pen, one of his disposable ones, resting on the desk in the library where official visits were held. The rest is gone. It is not known whether he kept it somewhere or simply gave it to friends and acquaintances. Even a tree of mandacaru, planted at the time by Lula, has been uprooted and left in the garden. The Alvorada is one of the most iconic buildings in Brasilia, built in 1958 to a design by Oscar Niemeyer. It belongs to the State and as such all the furniture inside must be preserved, catalogued, restored if necessary. A task that Janja will now have to do with the help of officials and which will force the presidential couple to postpone their entry.

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Closed in his mega two-story apartment in Orlandoowned by the former Brazilian martial arts champion José Alvo, the former captain defeated in the last elections is seriously considering applying for Italian citizenship. He can do it by virtue of his descent from his paternal and maternal grandparents, originally from our country. Angelo Bolzonarowith the z then transformed into s, was of Venetian Anguillara, a small town in the province of Padua. He emigrated with his parents to Brazil on May 25, 1888, in the first wave of Italians determined to start a new life around the world and above all in Latin America. Suffice it to consider that San Paolo alone has over 6 million residents of Italian origin.

Florida, the Trumpian “good retirement” of Jair Bolsonaro

by Massimo Basile

For Jair it would be a solution that would protect him from judicial troubles. He has been touched by numerous investigations personally involving his three children. They are still open and sooner or later they will come to conclusions. The prospect of prison is not so remote. Then there are, at an international level, requests for indictment for genocide: he is indicated as co-responsible for the deaths of over 650,000 people due to his insane policy on Covid.

Rumors of an application for citizenship have returned to bouncing on social media but, so far, there is no official confirmation. On the contrary. Already in November 2022, responding to an interpellation from the deputy of the Greens Angelo Bonelli, the Undersecretary of Culture Angelo Mazzi denied that the former Brazilian president had applied for citizenship on the basis of the “jus sanguinis”. The same reply instead confirmed that the two sons of the former far-right leader, Flavio and Eduardo, a senator and congressman, had started a request as early as 2019. Last November they both went to the consular offices in Brasilia, where they are residents, and had requested the process of their file. Surprised by a journalist, Flavio had admitted that they had gone to the embassy for this purpose.

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Brazil, the Bolsonaro-Trump axis relaunches the right defeated by Lula

by Daniele Mastrogiacomo

It is legitimate to think that after the defeat of last October, Bolsonaro the father also wants to follow in the footsteps of his sons. He has no intention of returning to Brazil, at least for the moment. Even if the loyalists and the many fans and supporters, still committed to marching against Lula and urging the army to intervene with sit-ins in front of the barracks, have indicated him as leader of the right-wing opposition. Jair has already obtained the honorary citizenship of Anguillara Veneta. He was the mayor Luigi Polo to grant it to him in the midst of harsh protests from the population. But an official citizenship, complete with a passport, is different. If he were to ask for it, he would get it. Italy owes him a debt for the capture and extradition of Cesare Battisti. Mostly Matthew Salvini who has always had a privileged harmony and relationship with Bolsonaro.

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