Home » When Hao Peng participated in the deliberation of the Tieling delegation, he emphasized that he should find the right position and give full play to his advantages, make greater efforts to grasp development, seek breakthroughs and promote revitalization-Liaoning Provincial People’s Government

When Hao Peng participated in the deliberation of the Tieling delegation, he emphasized that he should find the right position and give full play to his advantages, make greater efforts to grasp development, seek breakthroughs and promote revitalization-Liaoning Provincial People’s Government

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When Hao Peng participated in the deliberation of the Tieling delegation, he emphasized that he should find the right position and give full play to his advantages, make greater efforts to grasp development, seek breakthroughs and promote revitalization-Liaoning Provincial People’s Government

Hao Peng emphasized when participating in the deliberation of the Tieling delegation
Find the right position, make full use of advantages, grasp development with greater strength, seek breakthroughs and promote revitalization

Release time: January 12, 2023 Source of information: WeChat public account of Liaoning Daily

On the afternoon of January 12, Hao Peng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, participated in the plenary meeting of the Tieling delegation at the First Session of the 14th Provincial People’s Congress where he was located. Together with the representatives, he reviewed the government work report, reviewed the plan report and draft, and the budget report and draft.


On the afternoon of January 12, Hao Peng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, participated in the deliberation of the Tieling delegation.

During the deliberation, Song Cheng, Li Wenbiao, Deng Likang, Gao Feng, Yang Hui, Tang Ruhai, Deng Chunyi, Wang Lijuan, Chu Yanqiu, Yang Liu and other representatives made speeches successively, expressing their full agreement with the government work report, centering on the high-quality development of agriculture and accelerating project construction , Cultivate and strengthen market players, and do a good job in people’s livelihood and put forward opinions and suggestions. Hao Peng listened carefully to the speech, and discussed with the representatives about deepening the adjustment of agricultural structure, transforming and upgrading traditional industries, promoting the local industrialization of scientific and technological innovation achievements, retaining and using talents in villages and communities, building a government of law and integrity, and further improving the business environment. In-depth exchanges, everyone spoke enthusiastically, and the atmosphere was warm.

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Hao Peng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, listened carefully to the speeches and had in-depth exchanges with the representatives.

Hao Peng said in his speech that the government work report made by Governor Li Lecheng has a high political position, is realistic and pragmatic, invigorates the spirit, pays attention to people’s livelihood, and is full of warmth. I completely agree with it. In the past year, Tieling City conscientiously implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee, coordinated the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and coordinated development and safety. The city’s various undertakings have achieved positive results. The good mental state of entrepreneurship has a good foundation for further promoting the revitalization and development.

Hao Peng pointed out that at the Economic Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee, we issued a mobilization order to implement a three-year action for comprehensive revitalization and new breakthroughs, starting the “Liaoshen Campaign” for the revitalization of Northeast China and Liaoning in the new era. Tieling must fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on the revitalization and development of Northeast China and Liaoning, the spirit of instructions and instructions, and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, implement the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee’s Economic Work Conference, identify the positioning of Tieling, and give full play to Tieling’s advantages, strengthen Tieling’s responsibility, make full efforts, work hard, and use greater efforts to develop, seek breakthroughs, and promote revitalization. We must insist on high-quality development as the primary task, rely on development to solve current difficulties and problems, plan ideas, set goals, and arrange work around the three-year action of comprehensive revitalization and new breakthroughs, give full play to comparative advantages, and vigorously cultivate and expand pillar industries. Enhance the momentum of high-quality development. We must speed up the construction of a strong agricultural city, do not relax our focus on grain production, firmly hold on to the basics of agriculture, put the improvement of grain production capacity in a more prominent position, stabilize grain production and effective supply of agricultural products, consolidate and improve the ability to guarantee food security, and focus on ” Focus on introducing and cultivating a group of leading agricultural product processing enterprises, improve the ability and level of intensive processing of agricultural products, make better use of sales channels such as e-commerce, and better publicize and promote high-quality agricultural products in Tieling, so as to increase the value of agricultural products and let Farmers benefit. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of energy resources, vigorously plan the introduction of projects, accelerate the adjustment of the energy industry structure, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional energy industries, actively develop clean energy, and create energy industry clusters. We must adhere to the people-centered approach, ensure and improve people’s livelihood with heart and soul, do a good job in “opening up sources of income and reducing expenditure”, persist in living a “tight life”, use limited financial funds wisely, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, pay close attention to and properly arrange difficulties The basic living standards of the people allow the people to have a greater sense of gain, happiness, and security in promoting revitalization and development. We must unswervingly and strictly govern the party in an all-round way, continue to purify the political ecology, encourage cadres to dare to take responsibility and work hard, devote all their energy to doing practical work and solving problems, and promote the implementation of various tasks to achieve results.

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Representative Tang Ruhai made a speech.

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