Home » Is eating tomato good for cholesterol? Here is the answer

Is eating tomato good for cholesterol? Here is the answer

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Is eating tomato good for cholesterol?  Here is the answer

Cholesterol is an important indicator of our health and should not be underestimated. To keep it under control, drugs are often used, but sometimes it is sufficient simply to pay attention to the diet. In fact, there are many foods that help keep him balanced. This is especially true if you follow a diet rich in vegetables, legumes, fruit and whole grains. In addition to a healthy diet, some foods must be avoided, especially those that contain trans fats such as cheese, red meat, cured meats and butter. These foods, if eaten in large quantities can increase bad cholesterol.

Among the foods that help most to keep this fat under control we certainly find cholesterol.

Is eating tomato good for cholesterol? Here is the answer

There are many studies which have shown that tomatoes help to counteract high cholesterol and hypertension. This is due to the presence of lycopene, which is an antioxidant carotenoid that reduces the bad one.

25 milligrams of tomatoes are enough to already have benefits. Lycopene goes precisely to neutralize free radicals and therefore protects cells from damage from cholesterol and from aging. It is preferable to eat them fresh or even as concentrated juice since the amount of lycopene is higher. About 50 grams of concentrated tomato are fine.

So we can say that tomato lowers cholesterol. We must specify, however, that it must not be salty. As we said before, it is preferable to drink the juice, since it prevents the arteries from enlarging and therefore blood pressure is reduced. In addition, this juice also helps purify the body and also gives energy. It can be taken at any time of the day.

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We can therefore say that tomatoes are very good for health and above all help us keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control.

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