Home » Eating cheese every day: is it good or bad?

Eating cheese every day: is it good or bad?

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Eating cheese every day: is it good or bad?

One of the most widespread and consumed foods in Italy, but also in the whole world, is cheese. However, this food should be consumed in moderation, as it contains a lot of animal fats. So it’s important to limit it and limit animal protein in general. It would be enough just to combine them with proteins or vegetable fats. But what if you eat cheese every day? Let’s check.

The cheese is made from goat’s or cow’s milk and can be considered fresh or aged. It can be used for various preparations, both sweet and savory. In fact, it can be used in many different ways, for example grated, spread or as a cream for desserts. It must be said, however, that it is not particularly good for our body, especially if eaten in large quantities.

Eating cheese every day: is it good or bad?

Cheese, if eaten every day, could cause some problems for our body. As we said before, it drifts dal cow’s or goat’s milk and is therefore rich in animal fats, which can be harmful. They are saturated fats that raise blood cholesterol and can clog arteries and cause heart and vascular problems.

They are to be avoided, especially if you are following a diet to lose weight, since, even in this case, they are high in fat. It also causes problems with the digestive system, especially the intestines. This problem is mainly caused by the milk with which it is produced, which is rich in harmful substances, especially lactose, or the sugar of lactose, of which many are intolerant.

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So consuming cheese all day can lead to digestive problems, intestinal swelling and pain. In conclusion, we can say that cheese can be eaten, but not every day and not in large quantities. Perhaps you can also choose a leaner cheese rather than a fatter and therefore more harmful one.

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