Home » Pressure from the governor of Meta, key in freezing toll prices

Pressure from the governor of Meta, key in freezing toll prices

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Pressure from the governor of Meta, key in freezing toll prices

The Minister of Transportation, Guillermo Reyes, admitted in the last few hours that a message from the governor of Meta alerted him to the increases in tolls on the road to Llano, contrary to the commitments that had been made weeks before to avoid said increase.

This was stated by the head of the portfolio, who assured that Zuluaga had written him “very upset” saying that the concessionaire had not paid attention to what was ordered by the Government, to which Reyes explained that Coviandina did not yet have the decree in his possession. but as soon as it had it, it should revert the toll rates, as actually happened.

However, the departmental president goes further and, as he stated at the end of last year, his management before the National Government sought to reduce the current rate of tolls on the road to Llano, which would be an unprecedented event in history. of this way.

Currently, the llanero president has indicated that he is structuring solutions that will be presented to the National Government, because it is not possible to think about freezing tolls, but rather about reducing rates. Situation in which he sees the environment to do it since in Bogotá they have been receptive.

Source: Government of Meta

Also read: Ministry of Transport issues a decree that freezes rates at 143 tolls run by ANI and Invías

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