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Enrollment contracted

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Enrollment contracted

The Pereira Secretary of Education opted for this model for the management of the educational institutions Jaime Salazar Robledo de Las Brisas in the Villasantana commune, Hugo Ɓngel Jaramillo from the MƔlaga neighborhood in the CafƩ commune and Diego Maya Salazar in Samaria in the El Poblado commune .

A little history

At the beginning of the 20th century, Law 39 of 1903 established contracted missionary education with an agreement between the State and the Colombian Episcopate, religious communities reached the most remote places where there were no teachers or infrastructure, this contracting of missionary education remained as a norm with article 200 of Law 115 of 1994.

On the other hand, with Law 60 of 1993, the possibility of contracting the provision of educational services with private non-profit entities was established, but always ensuring the coverage and infrastructure of state educational services.

In 2009, Law 1294 was issued, which maintains the principle of attending with official capacity, but it is recognized that there are other factors that make it necessary to resort to contracting, for which reason the insufficiency or other limitations to fully use official capacity.

This is how the model is managed in Pereira

The concession modality does not mean anything other than individuals who administer the enrollment of the schools. Two of them with the Technological University, which is called UniĆ³n Temporal UTP-Su Eje, which administers Jaime Salazar Robledo and Hugo Ɓngel Jaramillo, while the Fe y AlegrĆ­a religious community administers the Diego Maya Salazar school.

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IE Jaime Salazar Robledo in the Las Brisas neighborhood.

The director of Educational Coverage of the Secretariat Ancizar Ortiz states that ā€œThis model was worked on more than 12 years ago in the Ministry of National Education in around 54 schools throughout the country. Last year, 10 more schools were delivered with this modality. It is done for efficiency and timeliness of the service, the truth is that it is achieved, these schools hardly go unemployed, teachers are guaranteed remuneration all the time, the hiring model is like a private schoolā€.

In Malaga they want this year to start well

In 2022, at the Hugo Ɓngel Jaramillo Institution, the school year began a week after all the others started, because the contract with the UTP had not been signed. Yesterday, Mr. Wilson OrdĆ³Ć±ez, president of the Parents’ Association of the school, explained that they were afraid that the same thing would happen this year, because they knew that the agreement had not been signed and that nobody would tell them if the UTP would continue less than two weeks after the children enter. In addition, that the doors of the Institution were closed, without even having a provisional official attending to the delivery of certificates or registrations.

IE Hugo Ɓngel Jaramillo Malaga neighborhood

ā€œIn the school there are only security personnel, no administrator has authorization to enter since they are not hired. They say that in the legal part they are finishing adjusting I don’t know what and that supposedly today everything is resolved. We went ahead because neither the community nor the children want to suffer, because I have met many who have already left for school in Ciudad BoquĆ­a. Hugo Ɓngel Jaramillo covers even the children of Mirador de Llano Grande, which is 200ā€.

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Regarding this complaint, Ancizar Ortiz responded: ā€œWe are completing the extension process, until it is ready, no one can be called to work. We are working on this at 200%ā€.

After the stormā€¦

At the beginning of 2022, public education received a remittance from Villasantana due to the illegal settlements that increase their population, as a constant every year end. ā€œThis implied that 560 new places were required and we had all the schools in the sector at the top full. So we had to open places in the afternoon session at the Jaime Salazar school, to serve this populationā€, commented the Director of Coverage.

IE Remanso ā€“ Guayabal.

The good news for the inhabitants of the commune is that classes are going to start at the new El Remanso school. This year there will be no educational crisis in Villasantana, because there is capacity for 1,040 students, so far 380 new students have registered, “The Coverage Directorate made the enrollment at the end of 2022, at the moment we already have 780 students enrolled, which means that we already have the quotaā€, said Ortiz. Another piece of good news is that many students will no longer have to travel to Mundo Nuevo to study.


5 schools in total for Villasantana: IE Villasantana (San Vicente), Manos Unidas (Danubio), Compartir Las Brisas (Afro and indigenous communities), Jaime Salazar (Las Brisas -Tokio) and Guayabal El Remanso.


Jaime Salazar Robledo, congressman for a long time, promoted what is now the Villasantana commune; Hugo Ɓngel Jaramillo, was a writer and historian from Pereira, with nationally and internationally recognized works; Diego Maya Salazar, had a lot of recognition as a teacher.

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