Home » Dadsa opens sanction process for illegal work in Las Acacias

Dadsa opens sanction process for illegal work in Las Acacias

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The director of the District Administrative Department of Environmental Sustainability, Dadsa, Jaime Avendaño, visited the sector of The Acaciaswhere he imposed a measure of suspension of activities to protect the environment, and announced the start of a sanctioning process against the work takes place on a hill in that area of ​​the District.

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The measure was imposed by the intervention with machinery on land protected in the urban area, on a hill located in the Paz Verde Ecological Park.

The director of Dadsa, Jaime Avendaño, socialized with the workers and people who were in the area about the damage caused by this illegal work.

Jaime Avendanodirector of the Dadsa, explained that this work consists of the land stabilization and leveling for constructive activities, “I would be affecting the ecological systemcausing instability on the slopes, which causes the upper parts of the hill to begin to collapse, materializing a risk scenario that affects the nearby community.

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Due to the above, with the accompaniment of the Environmental Police, the suspension measure of activities to protect the environment, and the sanctioning process will be opened against the signature of reason Heaven Builders SAS.

The image shows the heavy machinery that was used to level the land and start this work illegally.

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