Home » Type 2 diabetes: the infallible breakfast trick to reduce blood sugar

Type 2 diabetes: the infallible breakfast trick to reduce blood sugar

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Type 2 diabetes: the infallible breakfast trick to reduce blood sugar

If you have type 2 diabetes, know that there are some foods that can help keep blood sugar low.

And there is one in particular drink that is especially recommended for breakfast, which keeps sugars at a stable level.

It’s about the milk. Drinking milk for breakfast helps people with type 2 diabetes.

If you have type 2 diabetes, here’s why you should drink milk for breakfast

A study has shown that the Drinking milk in the morning helps lower blood sugar.

According to this recent research, changing breakfast habits can have irrefutable advantages for people with type 2 diabetes.

Scholars, as reported by Greenme.it, have discovered that milk, especially if consumed in association with cereals, it reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, and it does so in a much more decisive way than water.

It is the milk proteins that allow this to happen, as they would reduce the glycemic load and glucose concentration.

In general, all protein foods help keep blood sugar levels low.

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Not just milk

However, there are other recommended drinks, even if milk is the most suitable drink.

We remind you that partially or totally skimmed milk is the least caloric and with a low fat content. That’s about 91 calories, 0.61 g of fat, on average.

But if you want, you can alternate it with other drinks such as: herbal tea, vegetable juice, green smoothie, sugar-free lemonade and kombucha.

It would also be a good habit to reduce the consumption of coffee, beverages containing caffeine and other stimulating substances, and packaged drinks in general.

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The reason? They have a strong impact on blood sugar levels.

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