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An unexpected goodbye…an indelible legacy in journalism

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Sad and dark, that is how it remains in everyone’s memory that January 18, when a tragic piece of news brought vallenato journalism to mourning. In a tragic accident, the life of Rosa Elena Rosado Quintero vanished, a piece of news that for a moment turned off the microphones, dimmed the lenses of the cameras, and shocked those who, in front of a computer, had to narrate the tragedy in which they fired your colleague, friend and ally.

A few minutes passed when the news invaded social networks, anguish seized everyone before a question that will never have an answer. Perhaps it was not in the expected time, but God’s designs have her purpose, that is why ‘Ocha’ is in her kingdom, and surely with her smile looking from heaven at the love and admiration of all To her.

Today she is absent from her beloved País Vallenato, a name that honors the digital information portal in which she was a pioneer and founder. Therefore, this medium pays tribute to her by showing her facets as a person and her professional.

His farewell flooded the Vallenato land with tears, the pain was breathed for leagues, the same one that was confused with the aroma of pink roses that made up a street of honor, announcing the way to his final resting place.

‘Ocha’ Rosado leaves a great void in the hearts of his relatives, as well as an indelible legacy in journalism. Her mischief and her pronounced smile, hers were the perfect mix to make her a woman who was carved in the memories of those who shared with her as a person and professional.

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Today this digital medium, which she founded with so many dreams together with her inseparable Taryn Escalona, ​​pays tribute to her to remember, through her friends, the qualities that make her unforgettable today, but mainly her gift of help and solidarity to which she honored until his last breath.

We ask Almighty God for her eternal rest, and that her smile radiates from heaven as a blessing for those who will remember her forever. Fly high ‘Ocha’ Pink…

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