Home » Hebei will implement a smart education demonstration project: enriching digital education resources to promote classroom model reform—China Education Online

Hebei will implement a smart education demonstration project: enriching digital education resources to promote classroom model reform—China Education Online

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Hebei will implement a smart education demonstration project: enriching digital education resources to promote classroom model reform—China Education Online

In order to speed up the construction of a data-driven and intelligently integrated digital Hebei, the General Office of the Hebei Provincial People’s Government recently issued the “Action Plan for Accelerating the Construction of Digital Hebei (2023-2027)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”). The plan proposes to implement a smart education demonstration project, and plans to build a comprehensive service platform of “Jijiao Cloud” for education management and education resources interconnection by 2025.

According to the plan, the Hebei Provincial Department of Education will be responsible for implementing the Smart Education Demonstration Project. During the implementation process, the province will focus on promoting the digitalization of education, continue to promote the construction of digital campuses, implement the “high-quality resources” co-construction and sharing plan, enrich high-quality digital education resources, promote the reform of classroom models, and actively develop independent and exploratory education supported by new technologies. , cooperation and other teaching modes. Actively explore and promote smart education to realize intelligent teaching decision-making, resource push, communication and interaction, and evaluation feedback. Continue to carry out educational data governance, build an educational data center, gather educational data assets, and promote precise educational management and scientific decision-making. Accelerate the construction of Xiong’an Smart Education Demonstration Zone, build a smart education cloud platform and a full-scenario application system, and build a leading smart education demonstration zone in China.

  Action Plan for Accelerating the Construction of Digital Hebei (2023-2027)

In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement the deployment of the Third Plenary Session of the Tenth Provincial Party Committee and the Economic Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee, and accelerate the construction of a data-driven and intelligently integrated Digital Hebei, this action plan is formulated.

  1. Action goals

Seize the new opportunities of digital transformation, take the construction of Digital Hebei as a basic pilot project to promote high-quality development, organize and implement 6 special actions and 20 key projects, promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, and moderately advance the construction of digital infrastructure , make the digital economy stronger, better and bigger, improve the digital social governance system, improve the level of public services, expand new space for development, and provide strong support for integrating into the new development pattern and building a modern Hebei.

By 2023, the province’s data centers will have 950,000 standard cabinets in operation, with a total computing power of about 20 EFlops; the number of 5G base stations will reach 120,000; the inter-provincial export bandwidth of the Internet will reach 98,000 Gbps; the number of industrial Internet platforms will reach 260; The government’s coordination and promotion mechanism is basically sound, the province’s integrated government affairs big data system has initially formed, and government services “should be top-notch”; the added value of the digital economy’s core industries has reached 140 billion yuan, and the digital economy has accounted for 36% of GDP.

By 2025, the province’s data centers will have 1.65 million standard cabinets in operation, with a total computing power of about 35 EFlops; the number of 5G base stations will reach 150,000; the number of gigabit broadband users will reach 5 million; the inter-provincial export bandwidth of the Internet will reach 150,000 Gbps; the number of industrial Internet platforms reaches 300, and the integration index of industrialization and industrialization strives to enter the first echelon of the country, and builds 9 second-level nodes for industrial Internet logo analysis; the digital transformation of key industries such as iron and steel, petrochemicals, and equipment has achieved remarkable results, forming a number of digital features Industrial clusters; agricultural digital transformation has achieved remarkable results, and 100 modern “planting plus” ecological agriculture innovation application demonstration areas have been built; digital government economic regulation, market supervision, and social management have basically realized digitalization, and the pattern of intelligently assisted decision-making, management, and services Basically formed, the government cloud service forms a “one cloud, two networks” management model; the added value of the core industries of the digital economy reaches 250 billion yuan, and the digital economy accounts for 40% of GDP.

By 2027, our province’s digital economy will enter a period of comprehensive expansion, the added value of core industries will reach 330 billion yuan, and the digital economy will account for more than 42% of GDP. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Industrial Internet Coordinated Development Demonstration Zone will be built, and a number of modern ecological agriculture will be built. Innovation and development demonstration zone; Xiong’an New District has built a new benchmark for global digital cities; Shijiazhuang has built a national first-class new-generation electronic information industry base; Zhangjiakou has built a key node of the national integrated computing power network; Vibrant digital industry clusters; new business forms and models such as smart medical care, smart education, smart transportation, and smart tourism are fully integrated into people’s production and life; the construction of digital Hebei basically realizes “high-end digital economy, smart digital society, and intelligent governance of digital government” , Digital transformation has become a powerful engine to promote high-quality development.

  2. Key tasks

(1) Implement digital infrastructure construction actions.

1. High-speed intelligent information network construction project.

(1) Speed ​​up the deep coverage of 5G network. Promote the construction of 5G networks into communities, enterprises, and indoor distribution systems, promote the full coverage of 5G signals in the transportation system, and deploy 5G industry virtual private networks in manufacturing, medical, and industrial parks. By 2025, the number of virtual private networks in the industry will reach 600, and the coverage and construction level of 5G networks will rank among the top in the country. By 2027, a 6G large-scale application demonstration network will be built in Xiong’an New District, making Xiong’an New District a leading area for 6G development in China.

(2) Accelerate the construction of gigabit optical fiber network. Organize the establishment and evaluation of “gigabit cities” and dual gigabit demonstration parks, promote the innovative application of gigabit optical fiber networks in steel, petrochemical, automobile manufacturing, medicine and other fields, and promote the entry of 10 gigabit into enterprises and parks.

(3) Accelerate the upgrading and transformation of IPv6. Complete the IPv6 transformation of the cloud service platform, content distribution network (CDN), data center, and domain name resolution system in the province, promote the IPv6 upgrade of terminal equipment, and explore the integrated application of IPv6 in 5G, industrial Internet, and Internet of Vehicles. By 2025, mobile network IPv6 traffic will account for 70%.

(4) Optimize the Internet network architecture. Start the construction of a dedicated channel for international Internet data in Xiong’an, strive for the construction of a national Internet backbone direct connection point in Xiong’an New Area, explore the construction of a new type of Internet exchange center, and improve the three-dimensional network interconnection structure with multi-subject participation; build connections to regions such as the Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao Direct links to major cities improve the carrying capacity and safety and reliability of outbound Hebei channels.

(5) Accelerate the construction and application of satellite Internet. Cooperate with the country to do a good job in the construction of ground facilities for satellite Internet systems, and plan to build low-orbit satellite Internet ground gateway stations. Build the Hebei Provincial Branch of the National Beidou Navigation Location Service Data Center, and promote the large-scale application of the Beidou Navigation System in various industries, regions and mass consumption fields.

(Responsible units: Provincial Communications Administration, Provincial Party Committee Network Information Office, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Xiongan New Area Management Committee)

2. Computing power infrastructure construction project.

(1) Accelerate the construction of national hub nodes in the national integrated computing power network Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Build Zhangjiakou data center clusters, promote the construction of key projects such as China Telecom Huailai Smart Cloud Base, China Unicom’s efficient dispatching demonstration of computing power, and China Mobile’s Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Zhangjiakou) data center, forming a strong computing power scale. Promote the coordinated development of data centers and renewable energy, and support data center companies to actively participate in green power market transactions.

(2) Accelerate the construction of artificial intelligence infrastructure. Promote the construction of key projects such as Xiongan City Computing Center, Xiongan (Hengshui) Advanced Supercomputing Center, and Langfang Artificial Intelligence Computing Center. A multi-scenario control operation simulation training platform is built for industry applications such as Internet of Vehicles, smart medical care, and digital creativity. Relying on key universities and enterprises with advantages in artificial intelligence, build an artificial intelligence basic technology development platform, application support platform and innovation and entrepreneurship service platform, and promote artificial intelligence and 5G, ultra-high-definition video, VR/AR (virtual reality/augmented reality), integrated circuits , Internet of Vehicles and other key areas of integrated application innovation.

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(Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Communications Administration, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Zhangjiakou and Langfang Municipal Governments, Xiongan New Area Management Committee)

3. Integrate infrastructure intelligent transformation project. Carry out pilot projects for the construction of new infrastructure such as smart roads, smart ports, and smart civil aviation, and promote the construction of key projects such as the intelligent construction of Beijing-Harbin Expressway, the smart port of Huanghua Port, and the digital road of Xiongan; promote the intelligent transformation of storage facilities, and build the backbone of national smart logistics Network nodes, construction of demonstration projects such as Tangshan Port Multimodal Transport, Hengshui International Land Port, Taihang International Belt and Road Smart Logistics Industrial Park; speed up the construction of new smart city infrastructure in cities and counties. By 2025, a number of typical 5G application demonstration scenarios with national influence will be formed. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Transportation, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Communications Administration)

(2) Implement the information intelligence industry multiplication action.

1. Key technology research and transformation projects. Using methods such as “revealing the list and taking command”, organize and implement a number of technical research projects in the fields of semiconductor materials, application-specific integrated circuits, new displays, and smart sensors, focusing on promoting the 13 high-reliability solid-state power amplifiers of China Electronics Technology and the 54 satellites of China Electronics Technology Construction of Internet broadband terminal baseband chips and other projects. Promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of innovation platforms, and support backbone information intelligence enterprises to take the lead in establishing key laboratories, engineering research centers and other innovation platforms. By 2025, there will be 200 innovative platforms above the provincial level in the field of information intelligence. (Responsible units: Provincial Science and Technology Department, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology)

2. Industrial cluster development project. Accelerate the construction of Shijiazhuang’s information industry clusters, improve the industrial chains of semiconductor materials, integrated circuits, satellite Internet, etc., promote the construction of major projects, and create a 100 billion-level electronic information industry cluster. Promote the construction of big data industrial clusters in Zhangjiakou, focus on high-standard planning and construction of data center clusters in Huailai, Zhangbei, and Xuanhua, build server manufacturing bases, and cultivate and form a complete industrial chain such as software design, hardware production, data storage, and computing power services. Promote the construction of Langfang’s electronic information industry cluster, develop big data, new display, software and information services, digital creativity and other industries, promote the construction of major projects such as Huawei’s artificial intelligence center and the second phase of Visionox’s new generation flexible display panel production line, and realize big data The center has changed from a storage type to a computing power type. Promote the construction of software and electronic device industry clusters in Qinhuangdao, rely on outstanding enterprises in the industry to create an industrial chain of “packaging substrate-key core devices-application software”, and promote the innovative application of digital technology in the fields of intelligent manufacturing, biomedicine, and life and health. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Communications Administration, Shijiazhuang, Zhangjiakou, Langfang, Qinhuangdao Municipal Governments)

3. Digital market subject cultivation project. Focusing on the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, the Internet of Things, smart medical care, smart city construction and other fields, introduce and cultivate a group of competitive digital enterprises, support the digital enterprises in our province to become bigger and stronger, and attract well-known domestic and foreign enterprises to establish in our province alone or together Local enterprises cooperate to establish independent legal person subsidiaries. By 2025, cultivate more than 5 domestic first-class enterprises. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

(3) Implement the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

1. Industrial Internet platform construction project. Promote the construction of enterprise-level, industry-level, and comprehensive industrial Internet platforms, build an industrial Internet public service platform in Hebei Province, and promote the deployment of 10 national cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platforms in Hebei. In each leading industry, build 1-3 industrial Internet benchmark factories. Promote “100,000 enterprises going to the cloud”, build a public service platform for enterprises in Hebei Province to go to the cloud, guide cloud service providers to enrich the content of enterprise cloud products, establish and improve the localized service system for enterprises to go to the cloud, and encourage manufacturing companies to integrate infrastructure and platform systems , business applications, product equipment, manufacturing capabilities and resources migrate to the cloud. By 2025, 30 provincial-level demonstrations and 3 national-level demonstrations of 5G fully connected factories will be built, 10 “Industrial Internet + Park” pilots will be built, and more than 100,000 cloud companies will be established. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Communications Administration, Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

2. Digital support capability improvement project. Accelerate intelligent transformation, increase the promotion and application of intelligent manufacturing excellent application scenarios and intelligent manufacturing benchmark enterprises, promote process-based intelligent manufacturing in traditional industries such as steel, building materials, and petrochemicals, support the equipment industry to carry out discrete intelligent manufacturing, and cultivate 10 intelligent manufacturing companies every year Manufacturing benchmark enterprise. Promote new technologies and models such as network collaborative design and virtual simulation in industries such as machinery, automobiles, and clothing, and implement the “Internet + supply chain” management model in industries such as steel, petrochemicals, and building materials, and cultivate and form 100 industrial Internet benchmarking demonstration cases. By 2025, the numerical control rate of 15 key processes will be increased by more than 5%, the penetration rate of business information systems will be increased by more than 8%, the application rate of digital R&D and design tools will be increased by more than 10%, and the e-commerce coverage will be increased by more than 20%. The output value will exceed 10 billion Yuan’s digital transformation demonstration industrial cluster. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

3. New digital model cultivation project. Promote the transformation of equipment manufacturing enterprises from simply providing equipment to full life cycle management, providing system solutions and information value-added services, and develop new forms of intelligent manufacturing such as networked collaborative manufacturing, personalized customization, and cloud manufacturing. Promote in-depth cooperation between universities, scientific research institutes, digital service providers and enterprises, jointly build an “industrial clinic” for digital transformation, and carry out full-coverage evaluation and diagnosis of the integration of industrialization and informatization in characteristic industrial clusters. Vigorously develop industrial e-commerce, carry out the “Jiyou Qianpin” Hebei manufacturing online promotion activity, focus on displaying and promoting 1,000 well-known industrial brands and 1,000 famous industrial products in Hebei, and carry out the “President Bringing Goods” industrial product online direct sales activity, by 2025 In 2010, the penetration rate of e-commerce in industrial enterprises reached 60%. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Commerce)

(4) Implement the digital transformation of agriculture and rural areas.

1. Intelligent agricultural production project.

(1) Develop smart seed industry. Promote the application of intelligent biological breeding, build a provincial biological germplasm resource database and information sharing service, and a crop seed management platform, accelerate the construction of Zhuozhou Molecular Breeding Center of China Agricultural University, Malan Water-saving Wheat Research and Development Base and other projects, and cultivate more than 10 companies with strong A competitive “integration of breeding, breeding and promotion” seed enterprise.

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(2) Promote the digital application of grain production management. Promote the integrated development and intelligent transformation of the entire industrial chain of grain crop production, processing, and sales, build the entire province’s grain crop production process, develop a full-chain digital management service application platform, and cover space-based, space-based, and ground-based all-round three-dimensional intelligence The monitoring platform gradually realizes the intelligentization, networking and convenience of grain production, operation and service.

(3) Promote the application of agricultural Internet of Things. Promote the digital transformation of large-scale breeding bases and modern agricultural parks in the province, improve the provincial digital application platform for smart agriculture, develop high-end agriculture such as digital pastoral, smart farming, digital fishery, and digital seed industry, and build 100 modern “plants” by 2025. Yangjia” ecological agriculture innovation application demonstration zone.

(4) Accelerate the application of intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment. Promote the application of intelligent agricultural machinery, upgrade and transform agricultural machinery equipment, install Beidou navigation, remote operation and maintenance, unmanned driving system, high-precision automatic operation and other equipment as needed, and support intelligent equipment such as drones, intelligent seedling germination, and water and fertilizer integration to realize Precise operation of plowing, sowing, fertilization, pesticide application, harvesting and other processes.

(Responsible units: Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau, Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

2. “Internet +” agricultural products out of the village and into the city project. Promote the construction of e-commerce into rural comprehensive demonstration counties, support a batch of fresh agricultural products online marketing and community direct sales demonstration projects every year, encourage and guide leading enterprises in the province to strengthen docking and cooperation with domestic e-commerce platforms, establish a production and sales connection service platform, and develop organic and green “Personalized” network customization and group customization of agricultural products. By 2025, 1,000 Taobao villages will be built in the province, and more than 20 provincial-level “Internet +” agricultural products will be exported from the villages to the cities and more than 20 pilot counties will be cultivated. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

3. Agricultural and rural big data innovation application project. Expand the application scenarios of digital support, implement agricultural and rural big data projects, promote the collection and cleaning of agricultural production data resources such as agricultural germplasm, agricultural machinery, livestock and poultry breeding, fishery and fishery administration, and new agricultural management entities, and establish an agricultural and rural large data center that can be reused by provinces and cities. The data platform realizes the opening and sharing of government information resources, and the “one map” of agricultural and rural data resources is basically formed. Implement smart agricultural monitoring and early warning projects, build agricultural and rural big data intelligent analysis and prediction model clusters, use blockchain, cloud computing and other technologies to conduct in-depth mining and fusion analysis of data, and form predictions, early warning models and intelligent control structures for different periods. Macro decision-making and market players provide intelligent solutions. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology)

4. Implement digital village construction projects. Continue to optimize rural information infrastructure, consolidate the effectiveness of optical fiber broadband access and 4G signal coverage in administrative villages, promote the extension of 5G networks to administrative villages, strengthen the construction of rural information service infrastructure, and orderly promote agriculture and rural areas, commerce, civil affairs, postal services, supply and marketing and other departments Integration of rural information service sites. Improve the statistical survey system for basic data on rural roads, improve the digital level of rural road management, accelerate the digital transformation of rural power grids, and implement rural power grid consolidation and upgrading projects. Improve the informatization level of comprehensive rural governance, create a “one network” for grassroots governance, establish a full-time grid team, and strengthen grid management services. Deeply promote “Internet + Education” and “Internet + Medical Health” in rural areas, optimize rural social security and employment services, and improve the efficiency of public services. By 2025, each city divided into districts will cultivate and build a digital village demonstration county, and each county (city, district) will cultivate and build a digital village demonstration township. (Responsible units: Provincial Internet Information Office, Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau, Provincial Department of Education, Provincial Health Commission and other relevant departments)

(5) Implement digital society construction actions.

1. Implement smart medical demonstration projects. Further improve the practical sharing and interconnection of the national health information platform at the provincial and municipal levels, support the application at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and promote the construction of a medical mutual recognition network in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Establish a comprehensive monitoring system for medical and defense coordination, joint prevention and control, and a multi-point trigger early warning and response mechanism for infectious diseases to improve emergency response and rapid response capabilities. Improve the “Internet + medical and health” service system, expand the service model, promote the expansion and sinking of high-quality medical resources, and improve the equalization and accessibility of health services. Promote the upgrading and upgrading of hospital informatization construction, improve the level of intelligent service and intelligent management in hospitals, and improve the efficiency of services that are convenient and beneficial to the people. Promote the integrated development of digital health, encourage the application of emerging information technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, 5G, and blockchain, and enrich the application scenarios of emerging information technologies in medical and health institutions. By 2025, each city divided into districts will build at least 5 Internet hospitals, build a number of medical artificial intelligence and medical IoT application demonstration projects, and fully promote 5G smart medical applications in hospitals above the second level. (Responsible units: Provincial Health Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Communications Administration, Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

2. Implement smart education demonstration projects. Promote the digitalization of education, continue to promote the construction of digital campuses, implement the “high-quality resources” co-construction and sharing plan, enrich high-quality digital education resources, promote the reform of classroom models, and actively develop teaching models such as autonomy, inquiry, and cooperation supported by new technologies. Actively explore and promote smart education to realize intelligent teaching decision-making, resource push, communication and interaction, and evaluation feedback. Continue to carry out educational data governance, build an educational data center, gather educational data assets, and promote precise educational management and scientific decision-making. Accelerate the construction of Xiong’an Smart Education Demonstration Zone, build a smart education cloud platform and a full-scenario application system, and build a leading smart education demonstration zone in China. By 2025, the “Jijiao Cloud” comprehensive service platform will be established, which will connect education management and educational resources. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Education)

3. Implement the Smart Cultural Tourism Demonstration Project. Accelerate the stable coverage of 5G networks and wireless networks in areas such as 5A scenic spots, key 4A scenic spots, and key public cultural venues. Promote the digital and intelligent construction of public cultural venues and tourist attractions, and promote new technologies and equipment such as smart equipment, big data, and VR/AR (virtual reality/augmented reality) in the protection of cultural and tourism resources, historical and cultural exhibitions, and tourism immersion experiences. Innovative applications. Integrate data resources such as global tourism, rural tourism, digital museums, digital libraries, etc., and build a province-level distributed digital cultural resource product library group. Continue to promote the function expansion and optimization of the “Traveling Hebei with a Mobile Phone” (Leyou Ji) platform, and enrich product information. By 2025, digital and intelligent construction of 4A-level and above scenic spots in the province will be fully popularized and applied. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism)

4. Implement new smart city demonstration projects. High standards and high quality will focus on the construction of the first batch of new smart city pilots in Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou, Tangshan, Hengshui and 12 counties (cities, districts) including Qian’an, Fengning, and Xianghe, and summarize and refine excellent construction cases and experience. Promote sharing, communication and demonstration promotion. Improve the new smart city evaluation index system, and start the construction of the second batch of new smart city pilots in due course. Accelerate the application of intelligent sensing equipment for various infrastructures such as urban road and bridge pipe networks, water, electricity, and heating, and promote the construction of a diverse and dynamic urban sensing network. Support the construction of urban smart brains, comprehensively collect massive data such as urban perception, operation, and management, and create an urban management center with panoramic display, global perception, and intelligent scheduling. By 2025, about 30 provincial-level new smart city pilots will be built, and some pilot cities will enter the national advanced ranks of smart cities, leading and driving the province’s smart city construction in an all-round way to achieve benign and sustainable development. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Party Committee Internet Information Office and other relevant departments)

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(6) Implement digital government innovation and development actions.

1. Basic support capacity improvement project. Build and improve the government cloud platform at the provincial and municipal levels. According to the principle of on-demand expansion, gradually expand equipment and systems such as servers, storage, and cloud platform software, and promote the gradual migration of departmental data centers that do not have scale effects to the provincial government cloud. Build a government cloud disaster recovery system and a cloud security resource pool to improve the level of security protection. Accelerate the promotion of the integration and migration of non-confidential business private networks of various departments in various regions to the e-government extranet, build provincial and municipal e-government extranet backup centers, increase the bandwidth of the e-government extranet, and realize the vertical backbone network from 10 Gigabit to municipal and Gigabit To the county, 100 megabytes to the village, horizontally covering the provincial, city, and county government units. By 2025, the province’s government affairs cloud service system will be basically complete, forming a “one cloud, two networks” management model. (Responsible units: Provincial Party Committee Internet Information Office, Provincial Government Office, Provincial Government Service Management Office, Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

2. Construction project of integrated government big data system. Construct a national integrated government big data platform covering all cities and Xiong’an New District vertically, and horizontally connect the province’s various departments to a province-wide integrated government big data platform to provide government data sharing, exchange, and centralized management for provinces, cities, and counties in a unified manner and analytics application services. Compile the province’s unified catalog of government affairs data resources, realize “on-demand sharing, unified circulation, and call at any time” of government affairs data, and fully release the value of government affairs data. Promote the sharing and sharing of basic information resources such as population, legal persons, and electronic certificates, and promote the exchange and sharing of government affairs data such as investment projects, business-related taxation, and market supervision across regions, departments, and levels. By 2025, a database of government affairs resources such as economic operation, market supervision, ecological environment, public credit, and geographic space will be established to provide data support for improving the efficiency of government digital performance. (Responsible unit: Provincial Government Service Management Office and other relevant departments)

3. The government’s digital performance capability improvement project. Build and upgrade a number of digital systems covering key areas of government performance, such as macroeconomics, market supervision, public security, grassroots governance, emergency management, and government services. Accelerate the construction of digital agencies, build an integrated and collaborative office system, optimize and improve the “Internet + supervision” mechanism, and establish and improve the big data-assisted decision-making mechanism. Strengthen the digital construction of the government information disclosure platform, the government-civilian interaction platform, and the government new media supervision platform, build a government new media matrix system, and form a policy information dissemination pattern of overall linkage and resonance at the same frequency. Deepen the construction of the province’s integrated government service platform, optimize “Ji Shi Ji”, promote government service “one-stop service”, “hand-held service” and “one thing at one time”, and create a ubiquitous, smart, convenient, fair and inclusive platform service system. Deeply promote “public security video surveillance” and smart security community construction, implement social emergency management big data projects, strengthen smart community construction, and comprehensively improve social security, emergency management, and community governance services. By 2025, 100% of the entire process of government service matters will be handled online except for matters that are not suitable for online handling. (Responsible units: Provincial Government Service Management Office, Provincial Public Security Department, Provincial Emergency Management Department, Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and other relevant departments)

  3. Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen organization and coordination. Give full play to the overall coordination role of the provincial digital economy development coordination group, coordinate and promote the work related to the construction of digital Hebei, establish and improve the supervision and evaluation mechanism, and promote the implementation of major projects and key projects. Relevant departments of the province shall fulfill the responsibilities of industry supervisors in accordance with the division of responsibilities, and organize the implementation of a series of special action plans. All localities have established work promotion mechanisms to ensure that various construction tasks are completed with high standards.

(2) Strengthen demonstration and guidance. Carry out the leading plan of digital Hebei demonstration projects, support computing power infrastructure such as green and low-carbon data centers, 5G+, artificial intelligence and other new technology application demonstrations, and core technology research, industrialization, and innovation platform construction of information intelligent industry clusters; support a number of digital For the construction of economic application scenario projects, a number of application scenario cases are organized and released every year; provincial government investment funds such as the Hebei Industrial Investment Fund, the Provincial Strategic Emerging Industry Venture Capital Guidance Fund, the Provincial Science and Technology Venture Capital and Achievement Transformation Guidance Fund, etc. are fully utilized to increase Support for the core industries of the digital economy.

(3) Strengthen policy guidance. Make full use of government procurement policies to support innovative achievements related to digital transformation, and promote the innovative application of information technology in party and government agencies. Prioritize support for major digital industrial projects and include them in provincial key projects, and give priority to guarantees in terms of energy consumption and land. Coordinate and make good use of central subsidy funds, provincial financial funds, and government special bonds, and encourage and support various types of social capital to actively participate in investment, construction, and operational services. Relying on major talent projects such as the Yanzhao Talent Program, increase the introduction and training of digital talents.

(4) Strengthen security guarantees. Implement the national network security level protection system, build a cyberspace security guarantee system, and enhance the security protection capabilities of data resources and personal information. Establish a unified and coordinated security operation and maintenance mechanism across the province at the level of network security and data security, and enhance the ability to analyze and predict network security situations. Regularly carry out safe and controllable remote technology penetration assessments on the websites of party and government agencies, key information infrastructure, etc., to improve the anti-attack capabilities of information systems.

(5) Cultivate digital ecology. Build a digital economy statistical monitoring and evaluation system that conforms to the characteristics of Digital Hebei, and regularly publish digital economic operation monitoring and analysis and evaluation reports on its contribution to economic and social development. Expand internal and external opening, actively integrate into the “Belt and Road” construction, and successfully host the China International Digital Economy Expo. Improve the digital literacy of cadres and masses in the province, create four scenarios of digital life, digital learning, digital work, and digital innovation, and enhance the digital adaptability, competence, and creativity of the whole people.

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