Home » Sara Tommasi confesses: “A streak was my medicine. I wanted to deny the disease. Today I understood it, and I have a happy life”

Sara Tommasi confesses: “A streak was my medicine. I wanted to deny the disease. Today I understood it, and I have a happy life”

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Sara Tommasi confesses: “A streak was my medicine. I wanted to deny the disease. Today I understood it, and I have a happy life”

Sarah Tommasi talks about mental health in the monologue a Hyenas aired on Tuesday 31 January on Italia 1. A topic he knows well, given that in 2012 he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Her illness kept her away from the stage for a long time and the path to rebirth was long and tiring. Now, however, the showgirl who became famous in the early 2000s wants her story to help those in the same condition as hers. “Eleven years ago I was diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder, when you suffer from it you may not realize you’re sick, but the others realize it’s no longer you” begins the showgirl.

Sara Tommasi does not hide that at first she tried to deny the disease, but this led her into a dangerous vortex of excesses: “I didn’t feel sick, I didn’t want to be, I was successful, I didn’t want to become a loser, so I denied the disease, I refused treatment and help from my family. I let the wrong people take advantage of me, I started taking drugs, at that time a strip was my medicinethe most delicious thing. I ended up on the set of a hard film, without understanding how: I was not myself and still today some do not understand that in that story I am the victim”.

When you hit rock bottom you can only go back up, and so it was for her too: “Then in a moment of lucidity I realized that I had to get helpand first with my mother and then with my husband (Antonio Orso, ndr) I have collected the pieces of my identity, reconstructing the pieces of the puzzle day after day”. Tommasi, who now lives in Sharm el-Sheik and works all’Hard Rock Cafécontinues: “Bipolarism is never completely cured but you can have a happy life, I want to say it to the girls who write to me, who have recognized themselves in my story: don’t focus on what the disease has taken from you but on what it has left you, look at the cards you are holding, and play your game with them. Heal yourselves with medicines and love, we can’t make the disease go away, but we can face it. Not even that bad period I can make it disappear, but today I leave it behind, forever “. Hence the conclusion: “Today I want to forget about the dark, live in the sun. I want to start over with Sara”.

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