Home » South Korea’s declaration of cultural heritage from Japan was canceled on the spot: Netizens pick up evidence embarrassing

South Korea’s declaration of cultural heritage from Japan was canceled on the spot: Netizens pick up evidence embarrassing

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South Korea’s declaration of cultural heritage from Japan was canceled on the spot: Netizens pick up evidence embarrassing

South Korea’s declaration of cultural heritage from Japan was canceled on the spot: Netizens pick up evidence embarrassing

2023-02-08 08:26:16 Source: KuaiTech Author: Xuehua Editor: Xuehua Comment()Click to copy the title and link of this article

South Korea’s application for world heritage is really addictive, but the following scene is really embarrassing.

According to a number of Korean media reports on the 7th, the “Silver Pear Vase”, a cultural relic previously declared for registration at the Korean Cultural Heritage Agency, was found to be made by a Japanese watch shop, and its registration as a Korean cultural heritage was recently cancelled.

South Korea's declaration of cultural heritage from Japan was canceled on the spot: Netizens pick up evidence embarrassing

Historically, pear blossoms were the royal symbol of the Lee Dynasty in North Korea. When this “silver pear vase” was first discovered, Han conveniently determined that this handicraft was made by the official workshop of the Korean royal family before 1910. In 2009, the Korea Cultural Heritage Administration certified this handicraft as a Korean cultural heritage.

However, in later research, it was discovered that the words “sterling silver” and “Xiaolin” were engraved on the bottom of the pear vase, which may be some kind of mark of the manufacturer. After investigation, it was found that this pear vase was actually designed and built by the famous craft shop “Kobayashi Watch Workshop” in Tokyo, Japan. Following the announcement of the findings, the Korean Cultural Heritage Administration revoked the pear vase’s Korean cultural heritage certification earlier this month.

In the Korean Cultural Heritage Agency’s previous registration files for this cultural relic, one of the pictures (bottom middle) clearly recorded the mark “Xiaolin” on the bottom of the bottle.

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South Korea's declaration of cultural heritage from Japan was canceled on the spot: Netizens pick up evidence embarrassing

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Responsible Editor: Xuehua

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