Home » A good party turned into an “advertising conference” The audience complained about placing too many advertisements in the party and variety shows_Guangming.com

A good party turned into an “advertising conference” The audience complained about placing too many advertisements in the party and variety shows_Guangming.com

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A good party turned into an “advertising conference” The audience complained about placing too many advertisements in the party and variety shows_Guangming.com

“The Dinner at the Party” Comics/Gao Yue

Our reporter Han Dandong

Newspaper Intern Wang Yitian

“This is not a party, it’s just a few programs mixed in the ‘Advertising Conference'” “The meaning of the host’s existence is to read advertisements” “The Lantern Festival party without advertisements looks comfortable”…In order to welcome the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival During the two traditional festivals, CCTV and various David TVs launched large-scale evening parties one after another. A reporter from the “Rule of Law Daily” recently browsed social media and found that for some evening shows, audiences frequently “vomited” and a large number of advertisements became the main “slots”.

It is worth noting that the placement of a large number of advertisements in some evening parties has become a common phenomenon in recent years. Many netizens said that some advertisements even ran through the whole party, and were repeatedly mentioned by the host. Too many advertisements greatly affected the viewing experience. But it’s hard to concentrate on watching, it’s very dramatic.”

The reporter learned from the interview that, from the perspective of the party producer, the amount of advertisements is directly linked to the sponsorship funds, which plays a vital role in program production and star invitation. But too many advertisements have become a “catch-up” move for the audience. How to balance the relationship between the two? Is the excessive placement of advertisements suspected of violating laws and regulations? Should the number of ads that appear be limited? With these questions in mind, the reporter launched an investigation.

There are too many advertisements placed in the party

Affect the viewing experience of viewers

“After the singer finished singing, he was led by the host to a rest area on the side of the stage, where not only the products and logos of a certain brand were displayed, but also the brand’s advertisements were scrolling at the bottom of the screen. The host and singer used The brand’s advertising words were brought out in the form of chat, and the whole process lasted for 5 minutes. I was completely confused.” Ms. Liu, who works in Chaoyang District, Beijing, still has a deep memory of the advertisement at a party during the Spring Festival this year. “It’s a singer I really like. I wanted to listen to him sing, but I was forced to watch a long ‘commercial performance’.”

In recent years, the placement of advertisements in evening parties, variety shows, and film and television dramas is too blunt and the number is too large, which has gradually become one of the problems reflected by the audience. In this year’s New Year’s Eve party of a certain satellite TV, the advertisement of a certain home furnishing brand can be said to be eye-catching. The brand name always appears in the lower right corner of the screen, and there are huge brand pictures on both sides of the main stage. When the camera is zoomed in, it almost occupies the screen. , the red background is particularly eye-catching in the dark scene. In the following time, the host and the guests talked about the room decoration one by one, and the host even introduced the sofa under his body and the massage chair beside him. After a 3-minute introduction, he announced the next program .

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Mr. Zhang, a citizen of Tianjin who watched the show, said that it was difficult for him to focus on the program being performed. After watching the whole show, he remembered who the sponsor was, which seriously affected the viewing effect.

The reporter observed multiple evening shows through playback and found that each evening had a large number of advertisements. From host announcements to stage layouts to performances, the advertisements provided by sponsors are everywhere and in various forms: there are brand logos that almost occupy the entire background board; there are also ubiquitous brand animations; The viewer plays a long commercial, etc.

Most of the party’s advertising is not a single brand “solo”. During a program sequence at a certain party, two hosts sat on the sofa, and the table in front of them was filled with products provided by major sponsors, including drinks, mobile phones, alcohol, and health care products. It was full, and the camera gave close-ups of these products many times, and the limelight was even better than the host.

Advertising is overwhelming and pervasive, which directly affects the audience’s viewing experience. “One second I was still enjoying the song, and the next second it seemed to be switching to the shopping channel. I didn’t want to miss the next show, so I had to be patient and watch this embarrassing ‘episode’.” Netizen Xiao Qing said. Not long ago, while watching the party, she posted on social platforms to complain: “It’s not just an advertisement on the stage background, an advertisement will appear suddenly in the host’s announcement, in the skit, and in the show, and even the actors and stars start to introduce the product. I think I can’t wait to put the product directly in front of me.”

Chen Yu, who lives in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, said bluntly that the current purpose of holding some evening shows is more like making money, and does not consider the feelings of the audience. The more advertisements are added, the more money the organizers will make. original intention”.

“Poor product placement is hard to accept. Most of the ads on the market today are placed in a ‘simple and crude’ way. Some ads feel like a street vendor shouting ‘big sale’ with a loudspeaker.” ’, making people want to run away quickly. The placement of advertisements is not completely forbidden, but should not arouse the audience’s disgust, and it is best to be “on track” with the program.” Chen Yu said.

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Advertiser party party win-win

The audience called for the regulation as soon as possible

It is worth noting that not only major evening shows, but also many variety shows and film and television dramas also have a large number of advertisements. So, why do all kinds of evening parties and variety shows become “advertising conferences” and “sponsor competitions” in the audience’s mouth?

Ms. Zhang, who works in an advertising company in Beijing, told reporters that the placement of advertisements is mandatory to a certain extent. Taking film and television works as an example, various advertisements placed by sponsors will appear together with the film and television works, and viewers cannot directly skip or leave. Ad viewing. It is precisely because of this that many merchants are willing to promote products in the form of embedded advertisements, and evening parties, popular variety shows and TV dramas have become the most preferred.

Ms. Zhang said that if an advertiser wants to place an advertisement in an audio-visual program, he must pay the filming party the corresponding advertising fee. This considerable income can greatly relieve the cost pressure in the production stage. “Every broadcast of a film and television work after its release means the exposure of the advertising brand in front of the audience.”

According to insiders in the industry, the cost of a New Year’s Eve party is mostly the cost of inviting stars, and the rest of the venue fee, publicity fee, lighting and other expenses are also very high. In the era of “traffic is king”, the traffic brought by popular celebrities to the party is worth a lot of capital investment. Artists’ salaries, and advertising sponsorship has become the most convenient and efficient channel for “filling holes”. The organizers of the party should attract as much investment and sponsorship as possible to ensure other expenses. Sponsors invest a lot of money, and they will inevitably require as many advertisements as possible to increase their exposure.

The “win-win” situation between the advertiser and the party party has made the audience “victims”. The lengthy brand introduction and the ubiquitous product placement have made many viewers call on the relevant departments to regulate the proliferation of product placement.

Zheng Ning, director of the Law Department of the School of Cultural Industry Management, Communication University of China, believes that the cultural industry should achieve the unity of social and economic benefits and put social benefits first. The cost of TV shows is high and requires a lot of funds. Advertising sponsorship is the main source of funds. It is reasonable to insert advertisements appropriately. However, if there are too many advertisements or the links that appear are unreasonable, it will seriously affect the audience experience and the decline in word-of-mouth will reduce social benefits. , and ultimately affect long-term economic benefits.

Optimize the form of advertising content

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Improve laws to respond to concerns

From the legal point of view, is the excessive presence of embedded advertisements “curable”?

Yue Qiang, senior partner of Beijing Hairun Tianrui Law Firm, said that at present, my country’s laws do not prohibit or limit the number of advertisements published by TV stations. The Advertising Law and other relevant laws and regulations are mainly aimed at the content of advertisements, and have no restrictions on planting. Set clear limits on the quantity, time and frequency of the appearance of advertisements.

“Any advertisement needs to abide by the provisions of the Advertising Law. If it is suspected of false propaganda and infringes on consumers’ right to know and right to choose, it needs to bear corresponding legal responsibilities. Therefore, TV stations should do a good job in advertising compliance when deciding to broadcast advertisements.” Work.” Zheng Ning said that TV advertising is one of the main advertising channels and an important way for TV stations to generate income. Promoting the healthy development of TV advertising will not only ensure the smooth viewing of programs by the audience, but also help to purify the market atmosphere and guide the market. For healthy development, how to purify and improve the climate has become an urgent problem to be solved.

For this reason, Zheng Ning suggested that advertising is the economic lifeline of the development of the TV industry, and moderate advertising should be allowed, but the broadcasting organization should comply with laws and regulations, constantly optimize the content and form of advertising, improve the audience experience, and seek new profit models at the same time. Departments should also supervise advertising legal compliance.

Yue Qiang believes that the current excessive amount of embedded advertisements has become an important issue that the audience has strongly responded to and needs to be taken seriously. In relevant laws and regulations such as the Advertising Law, it should be stipulated how and in what proportion TV stations and various film and television media groups should publish advertisements as advertisement publishers, so as to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of the audience. At the same time, optimize the advertising content and form, and enrich the program content. “Only high-quality TV advertisements can be liked and remembered by the audience, and it is not easy to generate resistance.”

“The quality of the TV advertisements launched by many businesses in our country is low, which leads to the resistance of the audience. For this reason, the advertisers should think carefully and communicate with the advertising companies to discuss the characteristics of the product, the connotation of the brand, the general situation of the market, and the broadcasting. Form and other aspects are considered comprehensively to produce high-quality TV advertisements.” Yue Qiang said.

责编:孙满桃 ]

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