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After being bombarded with 40 questions, ChatGPT beats Google Search: Unconvinced

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After being bombarded with 40 questions, ChatGPT beats Google Search: Unconvinced

The launch of ChatGPT seems to set off a new Internet revolution, especially in the field of search. Microsoft has confidently seen that Bing has the opportunity to get rid of the “second millennium” and surpass Google search.

So can ChatGPT really replace Google Search?

A few days ago, the search research company Preply conducted a PK on the results of ChatGPT and Google search by challenging 40 questions. The questions are divided into basic, intermediate and advanced, and follow the stakes (potential cause and effect), objectivity (verifiable answers) Items are marked for time sensitivity and time sensitivity (whether the answer is static or changes over time).

There are 12 scoring criteria for the results, including actionable, clear, comprehensive, concise, informative, up-to-date, decisive, detailed, efficient, practical, fair and thoughtful.

In the end, ChatGPT beat Google Search 26-13,The evaluation team found that ChatGPT behaved more like a rational human being, with rigorous, thoughtful, deliberate, and deliberate results, while Google’s results are often designed to quickly attract attention, ignoring those nuances, and giving more people willing to click. Content.

Take the question “is God real” in the test as an example. ChatGPT is like writing a rigorous argumentative essay, citing extensively and eloquently. Among the results of Google, the first four items are church advertisements.

After being bombarded with 40 questions, ChatGPT beats Google search: not convinced

[End of this article]If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Kuai Technology

Editor in charge: Wan Nan

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