Home » Always young and with an iron health, here is the anti-aging drug that extends lifeMilleUnaDONNA

Always young and with an iron health, here is the anti-aging drug that extends lifeMilleUnaDONNA

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Always young and with an iron health, here is the anti-aging drug that extends lifeMilleUnaDONNA

Of R.Z.

They were working on the development of a drug capable of curing cancer, but they accidentally discovered a treatment that promises a longer life in excellent health. The results of a study of Aotearoa, conducted in New Zealand, were also published on the pages of the renowned scientific journal Nature Agingrekindling the dreams of immortality of millions of people around the world.

10 percent longer average life

The results obtained in the experiment, conducted on healthy mice aged about 1 year, show that the drug is able to prolong the average life of an individual by 10 percent. The incredible result was possible by adding a drug called to the diet of guinea pigs Alpelisibthe only treatment approved in Europe and the USA for the treatment of breast cancer with the PIK3CA mutation.

Excellent health even in old age

The mice that benefited from the “super diet” enjoyed excellent health even in old age, resulting in better coordination and greater physical strength. “Aging affects not only the length of life, but also the quality of life – explains Dr. Chris Hedges -. Therefore, we were pleased to see that this drug treatment not only increased the longevity of the mice but also showed many signs of healthier aging. We are working now to understand how this happens”.

But there’s a problem

The experimentation has also brought to light some non-negligible critical issues, and the researchers themselves want to be cautious. Many of the treated mice had negative markers of aging, such as significantly lower than average bone mass. “We do not suggest taking this drug long-term to prolong life – comments Associate Professor Troy Merry -, as it causes some important side effects. However, this work identifies crucial mechanisms for aging that will be helpful in increasing the length and quality of life.”

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The research to fight cancer goes on

However, the drug, adds the researcher, could prove useful “to treat specific metabolic conditions”. In parallel, the researchers will continue to work on the primary objective of their study, namely the fight against tumours. Alpelisib targets the enzyme called PI 3-kinase, and scientists are convinced it could eventually prove to be an effective tool in the fight against cancer. “In any case – explains Professor Peter Shepherd – it is nice to see that our work could one day have developments in other areas”.


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