Home » Biden: “I do not apologize for the shooting down of the Chinese spy balloon, but I hope for an interview with President Xi Jinping”

Biden: “I do not apologize for the shooting down of the Chinese spy balloon, but I hope for an interview with President Xi Jinping”

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Biden: “I do not apologize for the shooting down of the Chinese spy balloon, but I hope for an interview with President Xi Jinping”

WASHINGTON. Joe Biden firmly claims the order to shoot down the Chinese spy balloon that flew over the United States ten days ago, but does not want to jeopardize the already tense relations with Beijing and keeps the door of dialogue open with Beijing, hoping for an brief with President Xi Jinping. In the first official statement from the White House on the “balloon-gate”, the president reassured the nation that there is no threat to the security of the United States. “We still don’t know what the three objects shot down last week are, but at the moment nothing suggests that they are related to China,” Biden clarified about the three “flying objects” sighted and destroyed by the Pentagon over Alaska, Canada and Lake Huron. in Michigan. “I ordered them to be shot down because they posed a risk to air traffic,” the president explained.


The mystery of flying objects in the American skies: what’s behind the “war” of spy balloons

by our correspondent alberto simoni

However, the three mysterious objects have tickled the imagination of UFO enthusiasts and unleashed an extraterrestrial psychosis in the United States, so much so that a few days ago the White House had to clarify that a landing of aliens on earth is not imminent. The president explained that intelligence is still analyzing the debris of the three objects but the conclusion will probably be that they are commercial aircraft. Smaller than the Beijing balloon, they flew at a lower altitude and at least one of them was a metallic balloon. “Nothing at this time suggests they are connected to a spy program of China or any other country.”

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In the meantime, announced the resident of the White House, the US administration is developing new parameters for the identification of flying objects. Instead, what Biden confirmed to be a Chinese spy device is the mega balloon, the size of three buses, shot down last February 4 off the coast of South Carolina and whose wreckage was recovered and handed over to the FBI for investigation. “His killing was a clear signal to China”, claimed the American president who however specified that he did not want a “conflict with China”. “I expect to speak with President Xi and get to the bottom of the matter,” he hoped, reiterating that he has no intention of apologizing to Beijing for ordering the destruction of the spy balloon. “I will give the order to shoot down any flying object that poses a risk to the United States,” is Biden’s promise to the Americans.

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