Home » Livorno – Città di Castello: The judges are in the courts

Livorno – Città di Castello: The judges are in the courts

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Livorno – Città di Castello: The judges are in the courts

A lot of curiosity to see the consequences of the loss of the away banner of the Curva Nord, a fact that has catalyzed the attention not only of the Livorno supporters, but also of many other exponents and enthusiasts of supporters in Italy. After all, the tam tam of social media and the statement of the Livorno ultras meant that an episode turned into a round table where everyone, some more, some less, some with knowledge of the facts, some just to throw fuel on the fire, spoke or written.

I don’t mention the episode that saw them involved in spite of themselves i Feday Roma because the two facts are not in the least associated, however the feeling remains that at least in part, that psychosis and that attention for banners and patches that many are now rediscovering on the experience and on the skin of others, could have been salvific. In short, it would be useful to take a step back and put in the center of the village, to use an expression that has been a little too inflated lately, the banner, the soul of our national supporters, what a fan base represents. In my opinion, it is useless to blame the authors for carelessness or in any case for carelessness, it is all too simple to throw the cross at Tizio, Caio or Sempronio and continue without anything having happened, perhaps convinced that they have purified a formal defect, son of a movement sitting on its laurels a bit and therefore unable to grow. Nothing could be more wrong because if the subjects change but the aforementioned defect remains, one will continue to take little care of the material in one’s possession. And it seems to me equally useless to blow on the blessed generational clash, on one side the young wing, on the other the so-called “old”, a clash where generally the latter are those who wrote the history of this or that fan base and therefore untouchable. Unfortunately, or fortunately, times have changed, currently the ultras is grappling with problems that were not even thought possible twenty years ago and it is undeniable that contextualizing everything is a necessary work to reach rational conclusions and not dictated by the wave emotional. You grow from mistakes if you learn.

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Having said that, the climate in Livorno is certainly not the best, as can be seen from the number of people and a certain detachment that is perceived upon entering the stadium and taking a quick look at the Curva Nord, where a banner hangs for the anniversary of the foundation of the club above the long home version banner dedicated to Fabio Bettinetti. If we have to talk about cheering, there certainly wasn’t the dreaded muteness in the corner, the support for the team never failed and during the match it certainly cannot be said that those present were spared, despite the challenge wasn’t certain of cartel but anyhow, this is the category, the championship that the team is doing and this, so there’s no point in complaining. It is essential to roll up your sleeves and start off on the right foot. Hoping to make as few mistakes as possible and not add mistakes to the mistake made.

Valerio Poli

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