Home » Margelletti on Putin: accuses the West of treason to mask defeat

Margelletti on Putin: accuses the West of treason to mask defeat

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Margelletti on Putin: accuses the West of treason to mask defeat

Geopolitical expert Andrea Margelletti is not surprised by Putin’s words pronounced in Putin’s umpteenth speech to the nation. «He spoke clearly, making excessive use of propaganda as usual. He has announced that the war will continue and masked the defeats received so far with an unidentified betrayal by the West ».

Professor, what is the phrase that surprised you the most in this speech to the nation?
“None. He has uttered only falsehoods and mystifications that lead to a single certainty: the Russians will not retreat an inch and the war, despite Russia’s difficulties, will continue with the never-failing objective of rebuilding the Russian empire ».

Is the first time. however, that Putin brought up the «betrayal of the West»…
“As is the case with all regimes in difficulty, in order to continue to motivate his people, he transforms the aggressions inflicted into aggressions suffered. He explains to his people that Russia has been betrayed and attacked when it is clear to the world that the aggression started from them ».

Maybe Russia didn’t really expect such compactness from the West in defending Ukraine…
«In fact, the solidarity and unity of the West is proving to be strong and unprecedented. Putin had not foreseen all of this and now he calls for treason and insists on the false fact that their army is stronger than the Ukrainian one. If so, why has it been impossible for him to defeat Ukraine on the battlefield so far?”

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Putin also went into detail, explaining: “We will push back the threat of long-range weapons from our borders…”.
«He’s trying to respond to the fact that the West is also equipping Ukraine with long-range missiles that hit Russian logistics lines. Words, just words.”

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