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Italy – Germany: Urso meets Habeck

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Italy – Germany: Urso meets Habeck

”Full agreement on the main dossier. We need a common European industrial policy, pragmatic and not ideological”

The Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo bear met today at Berlin the Deputy Chancellor and German Minister of Economy and Climate Protection, Robert Habeck with which he addressed the main issues of bilateral and European industrial policy. “With Habeck we have a common view on many dossiers – explained Urso – which I hope will then be developed in the Italian-German Action Plan under negotiation. There is full agreement on a pragmatic and non-ideological industrial policy”.

Urso and Habeck then addressed the issues of European industrial policy with the awareness that a convergence must be found between the temporary review of state aid, in order to speed up procedures, and full flexibility in the use of European resources, already provided for in the PNRR, in the EU Repower and in the cohesion funds. Habeck has invited Minister Urso for a trilateral agreement with France to be held by the end of the summer to discuss critical raw materials and green and digital transaction policies. “The fundamental objective of our countries is to achieve strategic autonomy on the two green and digital transitions, in order not to pass – added Urso – from energy dependence on Russia to technological dependence on China”.

Urso also met with representatives of Italy system for a comparison on the main sectors of bilateral interest: in fact, Germany is the first partner in terms of trade, export, investment and tourism. The Minister then met with German business associations on issues of bilateral industrial cooperation and reconstruction in Ukraine, highlighting the importance of cooperation with the Italian Confindustria. “Europe must act together to be able to help Ukraine in its reconstruction and recovery” – concluded Urso, inviting German companies to participate in the event being prepared in Italy. Finally, the meeting with the association of automotive companies, “which has the same needs as the Italian supply chain in urging Europe to adopt a programmatic and non-ideological vision on the dossiers in the field, Euro 7 and CO2, as well as on the 2026 review clause. It is necessary to have a vision of technological neutrality which allows to combine the needs of the industrial system with the objectives that we all share of respect for the environment”.

Urso will meet French Minister Le Maire in Rome next week, also to implement the bilateral working groups on industrial sectors. This strengthens the collaboration between the three large industrial countries of Europe.

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