Home » Carcinogenic substances in women’s cosmetics: alarm for possible correlation with breast and uterine cancer

Carcinogenic substances in women’s cosmetics: alarm for possible correlation with breast and uterine cancer

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Carcinogenic substances in women’s cosmetics: alarm for possible correlation with breast and uterine cancer

The alarm goes off for women’s cosmetics: some substances used in their preparation could be carcinogenic.

It is absolutely nothing new to say that the female universe usually makes use of soaps, creams, lotions, hair products and face cosmetics of various kinds. If up to now, however, they have never paid particular attention to the ingredients contained inside, we are sure that from now on they will have their eyes completely focused only on them.

Carcinogenic substances alarm in cosmetics: which are the dangerous ingredients (mammastyle.it)

A group of researchers has discovered that in some lightening and anti-ageing creams for the face potentially levels are contained dangerous mercury. Similar speech to this, also the one referring to hair dyes, soaps and shampoos. According to experts, in fact, these contain substances that could promote breast and uterine cancer and, even, fertility.

It is therefore clear that the recent discovery has alarmed dozens of consumers, above all because often in the cosmetic products that we use every day, the producers write that they are ‘naturally derived’, ‘non-toxic’, ‘green’ ingredients. How much of this is true? The truth that has come out is truly staggering. Here’s what you need to know.

Carcinogenic chemicals: which are the offending ones

The shocking news was reported by one of the major US newspapers, the ‘New York Times’ and immediately caught everyone’s attention. According to the experts, as we said shortly, there are some cosmetics they contain carcinogens to which particular attention must be paid. Their advice, in fact, is to stay alert especially in delicate periods of development and during the processes of hormonal change, for example during puberty or pregnancy.

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Alert of carcinogenic substances in cosmetics: what are the dangerous ingredients
What are the dangerous substances in cosmetics – mammastyle

At this point, let’s now see what are the chemical substances contained in cosmetics that could be the cause of some health problems, even serious ones. The Food and Drug Administration (Fda), the US government body that deals with the regulation of food and pharmaceutical products, has identified approximately 12 substances whose trade will be banned.

These chemicals are already been banned in other countries such as Canada, Japan and our European Union, so Italian consumers can rest assured about their daily products. However, the ingredients to watch out for are the following:

  • Butilidrossianisolo (Bha);
  • coal tar dyes such as m-, o- and p-phenylenediamine;
  • Diethanolamine (Dea);
  • Formaldehyde;
  • Fragrances/perfume (unspecified but may contain dangerous chemical ingredients);
  • Isobutane, Propane and other propellants;
  • Parabens;
  • Phthalates in plastics;
  • Polyethylene glycols (Peg);
  • Baby powder;
  • Toluene;
  • Triclosano e Triclocarbano.

This is not a completely exhaustive list but it can be useful for future purchases. Therefore, the advice we give you is to take a look at the labels and check if any of these ingredients are contained. If yes, stay away from it and choose a more natural product.

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