Home » Vaccination against COVID-19 reduces cases of heart attack and stroke

Vaccination against COVID-19 reduces cases of heart attack and stroke

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Vaccination against COVID-19 reduces cases of heart attack and stroke

By analyzing the largest datasets in the United States, researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine del Mount Sinai they revealed that the vaccination against COVID-19 is associated with a fewer heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular problems among people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. A total of 1,934,294 patients were included in this study, 217,843 of whom received formulations of mRNA vaccines by Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna or viral vector technology by Johnson & Johnson.

And the first study to examine both complete and partial vaccination and linking with major adverse cardiac events in the United States, confirming similar analyzes previously performed using in South Korea.

Particularly in people with comorbidities, come adverse cardiac events previous, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, liver disease e obesity, there is an association with a lower risk of complications. The study is supporting evidence that vaccination can have beneficial effects on a variety of post-COVID-19 complications.

Continues: Journal of the American College of Cardiology

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