Home » Everyone knew that the girl from Zaječar was abused Info

Everyone knew that the girl from Zaječar was abused Info

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Everyone knew that the girl from Zaječar was abused  Info

After the murder of a girl in Zaječar, information about a difficult situation in the family appears.

Source: MONDO/Stefan Stojanović

The crime was discovered on Tuesday, when JT (23) brought her daughter to the hospital with numerous injuries, but unfortunately, the doctors failed to resuscitate her and she died around 6 p.m. The stepfather is charged with aggravated murder because he beat the child, who tried to defend himself, with his hands, feet and pieces of furniture, while the mother is charged with neglect and neglect of a minor.

Mother allowed

“It turns out they are everyone in the girl’s environment knew that she was a victim – her relatives, neighbors, father… But no one reported it to the competent institutions. The girl’s mother allowed her emotional partner to beat her, she did not protect her, her father also assumed that her stepfather was beating her, because he also beat their older children, as well as other relatives and neighbors,” says the interlocutor. Ringing and wonders what kind of people we have become.

“A neighbor reported the stepfather to the police when he saw him mistreat the dog, but no one reported it they lock the girl in the house, leave her alone, beat her, neglect her“, says the interlocutor. Unfortunately, this is not the first time that the family of the murdered child has suffered violence. According to a well-informed source, the girl’s mother left her father in October last year precisely because of the violence and took the children with her.

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“Since 2016, the primary family of the murdered girl has been on the program of the Center for Social Work in Zaječar, where, among other things, they have four applications for domestic violence. The girl’s father NV beat her mother JT In February 2022, he was finally convicted in the Basic Court in Zaječar to a conditional prison sentence of six months for domestic violence,” says the source.

After leaving her husband, JT asked for custody of the children, and her husband NV did the same

“That proceeding is still being conducted before the court. NV took the two older children with him, while the girl was more attached to her mother and stayed with her. The girl’s father offered to financially support the child, as well as to agree on a model of seeing each other“, says the source.

Fixed detention

Although there was domestic violence, the parents were not violent towards the children and there was no neglect or abuse of the children. There is no MN suspect in the records of the Zaječar center, because he has recently been in an emotional relationship with the mother of the murdered child. MN was questioned at the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office in Zaječar, defended himself by remaining silent and was ordered to be detained for up to 30 days.

Everyone is guilty

Sociologist Zorica Mršević pointed out for Kurir television that all those who knew about the violence and did not react are guilty. “I notice from the statements of those around me that everyone was aware of what was happening. As a society, they are more responsible than the mother, who was scared and herself a victim of violence and under threats. I want to completely separate her from this chain of responsibility, because the victim should never be blamed, because it is clear that getting out of a violent relationship is difficult.”said Mršević, while psychologist Leo Ivanišević said that the environment is often aware of the problem, but remains absent until a tragedy occurs.

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Grandpa had a premonition

The grandfather of the murdered NV girl says that he foresaw the accident and that he could have prevented the death: “After my daughter-in-law left us, I brought my two grandchildren to live with me and my son, but then my sister-in-law reported me for kidnapping, so the children were returned to her. my grandson called me and said that his stepfather was brutally beating him, throwing him on the floor, hitting him against the wall.

I went and got the children, and the sister-in-law just kept silent, and when I went to get the little girl, she didn’t give her to me. She said she couldn’t, that I could only take the two older children. What could I do, she had already reported me for kidnapping. I thought, the villain won’t beat her either, she’s too small,” said NV and emphasized that he wants both the daughter-in-law and her boyfriend to get a life sentence for the child.


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