Home » The reason why Juan Diego Alvira is going away for the week

The reason why Juan Diego Alvira is going away for the week

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The reason why Juan Diego Alvira is going away for the week

Through his personal Twitter account, the renowned journalist and presenter Juan Diego Alvira announced a piece of news that perplexed more than one: until today he will work for Semana Magazine. In the trill, he thanked his colleagues and told the reasons why he will no longer be in the traditional Colombian media.

“To this great editorial group, Semana Magazine, Thank you! Vicky Davila, always count on me. To the colleagues and other colleagues in the administrative area of ​​the magazine, a thousand and a thousand thanks for your support. Here I met extraordinary people for their professionalism and human qualities”, were the words of Juan Diego Alvira to Semana.

Later, he recounted some indications of what he will do from now on as a ‘free agent’ of journalism: “I have learned to close cycles. To understand that dreams must be pursued until they are achieved. My passion is intact and the love for the profession of journalism is the greatest motivation I have to continue building this life project. For now to fully enjoy my family. I know we will see each other again soon!”

Also read: The unexpected appearance of Juan Diego Alvira in RCN

It may interest you: The mysterious destination that Juan Diego Alvira chose for his vacation


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